Year 5 News

A huge welcome back to term 3 everyone! Hard to believe we are now halfway through Year 5!


Unit of Inquiry

For our new Unit of Inquiry this term, 'How We Express Ourselves', the students will be exploring how an individual’s actions and perceptions can be influenced through media and advertising. We will delve into social media, fake news and how to be critical consumers of media. The end result will see the students create their very own advertisements.



Science & Japanese

This term will have some exciting new learning and challenges for the students, as we are happy to welcome Science lessons to our weekly schedules. 



Unfortunately, this means we have to say 'Sayonara and 'Mata Ne' to Japanese for the year and we would like to thank Koji Sensei for all his support and fun language lessons for the first semester.


Please read some nice recounts of Japanese and some comments about what the students are looking forward to in Science.


On behalf of all the Year 5 students thanks Koji Sensei for learning all different Japanese words and culture was amazing. Thank you for all the time you put into help us and making the colouring sheets for us we can't wait to do Japanese next year and we all like you.

  • Zac


Japanese was really fun and I will miss it but next year I will be back again. Thank you Koji Sensei for teaching us Japanese. I know a lot of people in Year 5 will miss it.

  • Lucy


In science I'm looking forward to learning more about wild life and so many more things these two terms. I love science it has always been one of many things I'm interested in I just love how particles and chemicals work and what they do.  I love it so much that I want to be a pharmacist scientist when I'm older.

  • Darcy


In term 3 and 4 we will be doing Science!! The first lesson we learnt about tadpoles and frogs. We had to draw them and describe the details! I'm really looking forward to all the science lessons ahead because it's really enjoyable and you'll end up learning a lot.

  • Maddie 


Well done Year 5s for another successful transition back into a new term. Keep it up!