Year 4 News

Welcome To Term 3


This term we have begun working on areas of grammar such as prepositional phrases, talking marks and direct and indirect speech.  



We are beginning our number work on fractions and also our understandings of direction and mapping for the measurement and geometry strand. 


Unit Of Inquiry

Our showcase last term was a big success and students delighted in sharing their knowledge with the school community. 


We were very proud of what the students achieved and how they prepared to bring all the elements of their projects together to build a successful result. 

The students research and understandings were made all the more meaningful when students were able to have practical experience with Mrs Graham in the Science room prior to the showcase. Children saw ligaments, muscles and bones “in the flesh” as well as some of the organs. 

Thanks to Mrs Graham for sharing her knowledge and visiting the butcher for the lesson. 


Our last year level assembly celebrated students who demonstrated attitudes such as being balanced and principled. 


Congratulations to Will, Spencer and Alexandra. 


Will Spencer & Alexandra
Will Spencer & Alexandra


After our last term in Year 4 sport, we found (thanks to the Year 6 house captains setting up an obstacle course) that there were a number of Year 4 students who could not skip or found the coordination of the movement challenging. 


Three important elements of learning are of course, attention, balance and coordination so the Year 4 teachers thought we’d address this with some daily practice after lunch-just before the end of the day. 


There are many students who could not skip that are now proficient! It has been a favourite part of the day for many and we now see skipping ropes aplenty in the yard during break times.