Year 1 News

Welcome to Term 3!  

It is hard to believe we are halfway through Year One already. Last week the students enjoyed discussing their eventful school holidays with their teachers and peers. The children shared their most memorable moments of their school holidays by writing a descriptive recount.  


It was great to hear that a lot of our Year One families did some travelling. We also heard about lots of play dates, day trips around Victoria, significant birthdays and quality time spent with extended family.  


A Special Guest 

Last week the children were visited by Jetstar’s pilot, Scott Werry, (Melissa's husband). Scott was able to talk to the children about modern day aeroplanes and answer questions that the children had wonders about. 




Maths sessions have kicked off with a lot of enthusiasm. The students have been immersed in 3D shapes, following on from last term with a fun 3D Shapes School Walk, where students walked around our school searching for objects that represented 3D shapes.  



Well done to the children who continued their nightly reading during the school holidays and also to those students that logged into their Reading Eggs account. It was pleasing to see the majority of the cohort maintain their reading level and confidence.  


We encourage the students with devices to access their Reading Eggs account from home, at least twice a week, to help cement the topics that we are covering in class.  


Each week the teachers will set an assignment which we will begin, and attempt to complete, in class throughout the week. If your child has not completed their assignment during class or is absent, your child will still have access to complete this at home by logging into their account. 


Each student should have a copy of their login and passwords in the front of their reading journal. If your child has misplaced their logins, please ask your child to inform their teacher and we can then provide another copy.