Student Interview 

 Student Interview with

Cormac E & Henry S-W - 3A


What do you love about school?

Cormac - I love being with my friends and having a nice teacher.


Henry - I like all the subjects we get taught here.

What are you most proud of?

Cormac - That I work hard in class.


Henry - That I always try my best in class.

Who is your hero?

Cormac - My hero is Isacc Heeney.


Henry - A basketball player - Michael Jordan.

Do you play a sport or have a 


Cormac - Yes, I play basketball, cricket in summer & football.


Henry - I play basketball and football.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Cormac - I want to be a Football player.


Henry -Me too :)



What did you see recently that made you smile/be happy?

Cormac - My new puppy - Gemmiah.


Henry - My friends make me smile all the time.


Henry & Cormac
Henry & Cormac

If you had a wish, what would        you wish for?                                         

Cormac - I would wish for World peace.


Henry - I would wish for the superpowers of a football player.