Student Learning 



Why We Love Buddy Class

Buddy Class is one of the best strategies for learning in the world! Buddy Class isn’t just about teaching the younger students, this benefits the learning for older students too! How great is that! This year in Buddy Class, we made Harmony Day friendship bracelets, taught our buddies how to sew, made happy face biscuits, and helped them learn to read. 

Experienced students can make excellent role models for younger students! When older students demonstrate responsible behaviours, the younger students will copy that behaviour. All students will lead a happy and easy school life if they behave themselves. Behaving at school is excellent training for adulthood and when you enter the workforce. 


Buddy Class also provides growth in self-esteem. When younger students know older students are friendly faces to them, they will be more confident. They feel more supported at school, both with their learning and with any other challenges they face. Knowing they have a wise, caring older student looking out for them makes a huge difference.

Experienced school students can learn new skills like patience, teaching and caring. Sometimes, when the older students are working together with the younger ones, there might be a word that both of them don’t understand. This could be a very good chance for them to work together. Students in upper primary could feel like a teacher when they are supporting kids in this way which makes them feel a sense of responsibility and pride. Pride is very important because when students are proud of themselves they work harder.


Unquestionably, the role of Buddy Class is one of the best strategies for learning because experienced students are good role models for younger students. It helps younger students develop self esteem and older students can learn new skills by teaching. This one strategy hits many areas of social and academic learning. Buddy Class is excellent, isn’t it?


By Jason X 

Year 5 - F15