Year 1/2–Celebrating Learning

What we have been up to: 

As we move towards the end of T2, our Year 1/2 Mainstream students have been presenting their “Caring for Country” projects to their classmates. We have been incredibly impressed by the hard work that has gone into the creation of these very diverse projects! We have listened to speeches, looked at posters and diagrams and interacted with miniature models of the different ways students and families “Care for Country” at home or in their communities. We are looking forward to seeing more projects presented in the coming weeks! Some of our Hairy Grass Heads have started to sprout. Students are enjoying watching and documenting the growth of their long green hair.




We are focussing on mental computation of basic subtraction facts in the last few weeks of this term. Students have been applying their addition strategies to subtraction problems; they have been exploring tens facts, bridging to ten, doubles and near doubles and counting back one, two three & ten from a number. Your young person at home might like to challenge you to a game of “take away snap” or “minus 10”!




Having reviewed all the Little Learners Love Literacy Stage 7.2 sounds, students will be moving on to Stage 7.3 in week 8. To reinforce their learning, students could be practising their spelling at home. 

7.2 sounds: ar (art), or (sport), aw (saw), ir (bird), ur (burst), er (monster), suffix -er (teacher) air (chair), are (beware), ere (there).


What’s to come in the next two weeks:


We will be completing our integrated unit over the next few weeks by presenting the last of our “Caring for County” projects.


In our phonics sessions, we will be exploring the sound and spelling patterns for oo (goose) and le (poodle), followed by ow (cow) and ou (out). In writing we are looking at procedural texts and continuing to practise the writer’s process of planning, drafting, revising and editing.


In Maths, we will continue making the connections between addition and subtraction. Students will continue to develop strategies for the quick and efficient recall of addition and subtraction facts.