Principal's Report

D. Donatiello

Semester 1 Reports

Semester 1 reports  will be sent home with your child on Thursday, 29th June. The reports will indicate your child's achievement against state-wide syllabus standards, particularly the syllabus outcomes and content taught in Terms 1 and 2.

There will be an opportunity for parents to discuss their child's report, with the class teacher and/or specialist teachers on Wednesday, 28th July from 3.20pm. Interpreters will be available between 4 and 6.50pm in the school's main languages of Vietnamese, Chinese, Khmer and Arabic. The times and places are limited to speak with teachers and interpreters. If you are unable to secure your desired timeslot, please contact the teacher for an alternate time before or after school.


Attendance Reports

There is a separate Attendance Report with your child’s Progress Report. In our school’s Strategic Improvement Plan, we have a target of improving overall student attendance by 2.5% this year. Research highlights a clear correlation between student attendance and the achievement of quality academic, socio-economic and health outcomes. This research tells us that students with an attendance rate below 90% are educationally at risk. Above 90% is our expected student attendance. The Department of Education counts whole day and partial absences in the school’s data, therefore, being at school and on time each day is vital. 


Wellbeing and Belonging

Also as part of the school's Strategic Improvement Plan, we want to ensure that every child has the opportunity to participate fully in school life. One of our success criteria is:

  • The school is recognised as excellent and responsive by its community because it uses best practice to embed a culture of high expectations, and effectively caters for the range of equity issues within the school. (Educational Leadership - SEF)

Many activities are planned to enhance student learning and wellbeing such as excursions, incursions, specific programs such as Dance and Gymnastics and these often come with a cost. Our school subsidizes all these activities, per student, to lower the overall cost. However, we understand the cost can be prohibitive for families. Please contact the office or your child's teacher if you require financial assistance for school activities.



Friday, 30th June is the final day of Term 2. Students return to school on Tuesday, 18th July. Have a lovely and safe winter break. 



Quote for Week 10:

“Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best”. -- H.Jackson Brown Jr.