UNE Discovery Bus Excursion

It was a frosty start on Friday 16th June, but the students had a wonderful day!

Last Friday we went to Bendemeer for the UNE Discovery Bus, when we got there we had a talk and introduced ourselves. Then we went and did some astronomy and made a little replica of our solar system and found out how far away each planet is to each other. After that we a had a little break then got into some chemistry and made elephant's toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, food colouring and yeast. We had lunch after that and played. The last session was a play and it was very amusing and fun. Eddie


Last Friday on the 16/6/2023 we went to Bendemeer school. The first thing we did was Astronomy and we learnt about how far away planets are away from the sun. After that we went to Chemistry with Geoff and Chris and we learnt how to make elephant's toothpaste the ingredients are yeast, hydrogen peroxide, food dye and dishwasher soap. After we made elephant's toothpaste we did a quiz to see what chemicals were in the jars but first we used food dye to see which colour it turned to put the coloured cards on a grid. Then after that we had recess then we watched a play by Keiran and Chris they did a prehistoric play and Keiran told us all about different rocks and what time period they were created in. Then after that we had lunch and went home. Chaise


On our excursion to Bendemeer I learnt that 1 astronomical metre is the space in between the Earth and the Sun and that Pluto is a big ice-moon from Saturn that got hit by an asteroid. I also learnt that the cold affected how fast the experiment worked. Valerie