In the Classroom

Spelling Revision

Students in 3-6 have begun a MEGA sort. All the words from the whole spelling unit have been mixed up, and the students have been set a challenge to sort them into the categories before we complete a final assessment for the unit. They are approaching this task with enthusiasm!


The Power of Persuasion!                                                     Persuasive Writing with Stage 1

Stage 1 students have been working on writing persuasive texts. Enjoy these persuasive texts by the students - they have certainly put forward some persuasive arguments. The task was to think of something they would like to do and then write a persuasive text to persuade Mrs Crawford enough for her to maybe let them do it.

Lindsay Ham

Oh hey there, could we have a table full of lollies please Mrs Crawford because it is a good idea. I will make healthy lollies for the students and you could relax in your office while I get your favourite chocolates and I will put your favourite chocolate on the table.


Chanse Gibson

Hey Mrs Crawford can we please have an afternoon of colouring in? It is good to colour in because it make the kids calm and relaxed. If the kids are calm and relaxed you could relax in your office having a cup of tea and a packet of Tim Tams. Also you won't get interrupted you will get your work done and you could sit at the back and read a book.


Also it makes our hand muscles stronger and it improves our handwriting. If we are doing neat handwriting people can understand and it will be easier to mark which is good for the teachers. It also makes the teachers say in their heads "it is peaceful time."