French Exchange Program

Inaugural French Exchange Program a huge success! 

Seven students from France arrived in Melbourne at the beginning of the school holidays and have been staying with our students who are studying French in Year 11. Our heartfelt appreciation goes to the caring host families who have generously offered our French guests an unforgettable and unique experience.

Archie and Raf 

The French exchange program was a wonderful experience. We visited many essential Aussie destinations, including the Eureka Tower, Federation Square, and Philip Island. We watched a footy game at the MCG and experienced the panoramic views of the Melbourne Skydeck. We fed kangaroos at the Philip Island Wildlife Reserve and witnessed the nightly journey of the Fairy Penguins at the Philip Island Nature Park.  One of the highlights of the exchange was our trip down the Great Ocean Road: braving the cold waters of Apollo Bay and Port Campbell, visiting the iconic Twelve Apostles, and conquering the Otway Fly Treetop Walk. 


During school, the French exchange students were introduced to typical Aussie cuisine, baking Anzac biscuits and Vegemite scrolls. We also had an Australian sports session, where the French students learnt to kick a footy and bat and bowl in cricket. Overall, the exchange program was very enjoyable and we are all looking forward to the trip to France at the end of the year.


Cassie and Capucine 

Starting the exchange, we explored to Point Nepean and Arthurs Seat State Park with Lua and Elisa, and went up close to kangaroos. Soon after they arrived, we went to Sydney and saw the Bangara dance group at the Opera House, along with a trip to Bondi Beach. Once we arrived back in Melbourne, we travelled into the city to go to the Botanical Gardens light show which was amazing. We then went to the Enchanted Adventure Park for tree climbing and big slides which we both found so fun. The next day, we both took the train into the city again to go to the Lume which was a great experience, along with ice skating next to the Yarra River the following night. Next we had a very long, but interesting tour of the city led by a student from Melbourne, and went to the winter night market afterwards. After the days of walking, we decided to relax at the ballet called 'Jewels' that was put on in the Hammer Hall. For a nice view, we went to Point Ormond with a group of friends to eat fish and chips and see the sunset over the ocean and city. Afterwards, we took a trip to Phillip Island where we saw many koalas, pelicans and of course - the penguins that put on an amazing performance as they walked up the beach. Once we returned to Melbourne, we watched the France vs Australia football game at Marvel in person, Capucine's sad to say France didn't win :( but still happy to have lived the Aussi football experience! Following this night of excitement, we went to the group picnic along with a visit to Bunnings to evaluate the Bunnings snag, and then a walk down St Kilda beach. The day after, we had an incredible time at the Lizzo concert in Rod Laver! During school, we had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Healesville sanctuary where we saw an eagle, a platypus, a dingo, an echidna, and a Tasmanian devil. We've had a great time together, and are looking forward to the last night where we'll be watching the new Barbie movie and seeing the final sunset in the city of Melbourne!!


Isaac and Baptiste 

The French exchange was a truly enriching experience. We saw many iconic Australian sights, such as the Great Ocean Road and the Eureka Skydeck. We also had the opportunity to see unique Australian animals, seeing the penguins on Phillip Island and feeding kangaroos at the Phillip Island Wildlife Reserve. We enjoyed watching and learning about traditional Australian sports, including cricket and AFL. The French students were also able to try many Australian delicacies, such as Tim Tams, and Vegemite, which they thoroughly enjoyed. 


Overall, the exchange was truly enjoyable for both the French and Australian students, and we are looking forward to our trip to their school in France at the end of the year. 


Elisa and Lua 

After arriving in Australia, we went to Point Nepean and saw kangaroos in the wild, we visited and explored the city several times, doing activities such as escape rooms, ice skating, the Victoria night market, bouldering and going to the cinema as well as enjoying the Melbourne skyline view at night. During the holidays we went to Apollo Bay and to see the twelve apostles and following sights through the great ocean road, stopping to see koalas, and making trips to waterfalls and forests. During the last weekend of holidays we made a day trip to Philip Island to see the penguin parade. Before going back to school, we all met up for bowling together to enjoy some bonding time, then we went back to school in which there were activities such as a introducing them to Australian cooking and Australian sports including an introductory lunch with the principal. We also went to Healesville Sanctuary to see the Australian animals and our favourite the kangaroos. During the last weekend we visited Cape Shank and had a meeting with all the French exchange students and host for a barbecue.


To sum up, we loved spending time together and we really enjoyed discovering Australia!


Miette and Fantine 

Throughout the exchange program, we were able to complete many activities over the holidays as well as during school. 


We started our holidays with a trip to Philip Island with two other exchange partners. In Philip Island we saw and were able to feed Australian animals, saw forest caves on the beach and watched the penguins arrive at the shore. We explored Beaumaris and were able to explore the beaches and go on our boat around the bay. We explored the Dandenong ranges, had a day trip to Sovereign Hill and went to an AFL game at the MCG. We met up with the other exchange students at Karkarook park and were able to explore the city of Melbourne where we saw parks, shops and experience Australian culture. We were also lucky enough to be able to go to Sydney. While in Sydney we saw the Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge and caught a ferry to Manly. We walked across the Sydney Harbour Bridge and walked up the stairs of the Opera House. We explored the botanical gardens and were able to visit Bondi beach and walk to Bronte from there.


During school we participated in Australian cooking classes as well as an introduction to Australian sport where we participated in AFL and Cricket as well as a game of dodge ball against a year 8 sport class. During our cooking class, we made ANZAC biscuits and vegemite and cheese scrolls. We went on an excursion to Healesville sanctuary where we saw koalas, platypuses, dingos and more. The exchange students were also able to experience an average school day in Australia by participating in various different classes as well as activities or sports we would do after school.


Cette expérience était unique pour les correspondant français comme pour les australiens. Nous avons découvert la culture australienne d'une façon inoubliable. Merci mille fois d'avoir eu cette opportunité et d'avoir pu profiter de cet échange avec toutes les activités prévues par notre famille et votre école.


Rafaela and Laure

During the exchange program we were able to explore many different places in Australia. At the start of the holidays, went to Philip Island with some other people completing the exchange program, we pet and feed many different native Australian animals including kangaroos, emus and wallabies. We also saw the penguins arrive at the beach at the penguin parade. We went to watch Carlton vs Hawthorne in an AFL game at the MCG as well as explore the Dandenong Ranges where we did the 1000 steps and had scones and tea at Mrs Marple's. Later in the holidays, we were fortunate enough to be able to travel to Sydney. We walked across the harbour bridge, visited the opera house, stayed in an Airbnb with an amazing view over Bondi beach and explored the northern beaches. We discovered the city of Melbourne, visiting museums and galleries, shopping precincts, gardens and many other places. 


Au lycée, nous avons pu observer les différences entre l'école australienne et le lycée en France. Nous avons eu l'occasion de preparer deux plats typiquement australiens : les biscuits de l'ANZAC et les vegemite scrolls. Nous avons visité Healsville sanctuary. Malgré la pluie, nous avons eu la chance de voir de nombreux animaux australiens, comme des dingos et des cacatoès. Nous avons été introduits et avons pu jouer à plusieurs sports australiens, tels que l'AFL et le criquet et avons affronté les quatrièmes au dodgeball.


We both enjoyed the experience and are really excited to do the same thing in France. We learnt many things about each other's cultures. 


Sophie and Mathilde 

During the exchange program we have done a lot of different things. We first went to Philip Island for 3 days. We saw the penguins, went on walks, visited the wildlife park, where we fed kangaroos, wallabies and emus, and met up with everyone at Amaze N Things. Next we went to the Great Ocean Road for another 3 days. We saw hundreds of rainbows, visited Lorne, went to the Twelve Apostles, The Grotto, and Loch Ard Gorge, and did a lot of driving along the beaches. The next day we went to Sovereign Hill, we found a lot of gold, went into the mines, got lollies, saw the gold pouring and on the way home got McDonalds. We have also caught up with everyone a few times, where we have learnt French card games such as "Le President" and "Le Tarot". 


Next we visited the Dandenong Ranges, and did the 1000 steps, then visited Miss Marples and got the famous scones with jam and cream. We went to the lookout, and although it was cloudy, we could see the city and the bay. The next day we went to the city, we walked around and visited many shops, then as it got dark, we visited the Winter Night Market, where we found French cheese! We also went to ArtVo where we took lots of fun photos, and after visited the SeaLife aquarium, where we saw more penguins, and a crocodile. On the Sunday, Mathilde visited the Eureka Sky deck, and we later caught up with everyone again for a pool party. We put bubbles in the pool, and did some cheer, and even got a show of some synchronised swimming from Mathilde! 


The last day of the holidays we all went bowling, and enjoyed spending our last day all together. Then school began! The first day, they felt that the time they left, was the same as when they entered, as the school days are much shorter. Mathilde loved meeting all of the people, as they were all so nice, and especially loved Ms Pagel. They loved learning new things in Methods, and doing cooking and sport. As a class we also visited Healesville Sanctuary where we saw the rest of the Aussie animals which we had not seen before (even if we got a bit wet). Mathilde also came to cheer with us, where they learnt how to base, and even fly in the air, which they loved, as it was new to them. We loved spending the 4 weeks together and can't wait to go to France!

Ms Diana Schepisi & Ms Phoebe Wardlaw


Diana Schepisi
Phoebe Wardlaw
Diana Schepisi
Phoebe Wardlaw