BSC Market Day

Lunchtime on Wednesday 26 July!

The whole school can indulge in a variety of treats as they learn about a range of social enterprises from the Year 9 cohort - all funds raised go to charity!


As part of a unit on building enterprise skills within the context of social enterprises, students in Year 9 Innovate are working hard on the planning and logistics of their market stalls for this year's Market Day. There will be a wide range of food and gift items for sale including delicious treats such as cupcakes, mini pizzas, slices and rocky road. There will also be prizes for target challenges and guess the number of lollies in the jar!


Tokens can be pre purchased via Compass - details will be coming to your inbox or app very soon! Limited tokens will be available to purchase on the day.


This year the students have chosen HoMie as their charity of choice. Once the tokens are counted, the profit from their ventures will go to a worthy cause. HoMie is a not-for-profit organisation supporting young people affected by homelessness or hardship. Like us they believe in young people and like us their aim is to empower young people to thrive. 100% of HoMie profits go towards achieving their mission:  

To support young people affected by homelessness or hardship to equip them with the skills, confidence, and experiences to be more work-ready and better prepared for their future. 

You can check out our newsletter article from last year to get a flavour of what is coming to the BSC plaza by clicking on the link below!


Mr Peter Morgan, Mr Mat Sweetlove and Mr Eddie Gillespie


Peter Morgan
Mat Sweetlove
Eddie Gillespie
Peter Morgan
Mat Sweetlove
Eddie Gillespie