College Captains' Report 

Welcome back everyone! It is hard to believe that we are already in Term 3, with lots of exciting events coming up to look forward to.


Looking back on the past couple of weeks, we started off the term welcoming the French Exchange students from Lycee Georges Duby School of Aix en Provence in the south of France. We hope that they have enjoyed their time in Australia, and their buddies are looking forward to heading off to France in December! 

The last week of Term 2 saw the Year 10 students off on work experience, which was an informative and valuable experience that helped our students gain an idea of their future career pathways. 

Also, in the last week of term, the Year 9 students embarked on various camps of their choosing, from horse-riding, sailing, urban expeditions and a Great Ocean Road hike, the students had an amazing time that created long-lasting memories. The Year 9 students also had the opportunity to go up to Far North Queensland for the long-awaited Reef and Rainforest trip and from the photos, us here in Melbourne were definitely jealous! 

Looking ahead, we have a variety of events to look forward to: 

  • Beaumaris Secondary College's musical production 'School of Rock' will be hitting the stage from the 3rd to the 5th of August. 
  • House Athletics Carnival on 17 August 
  • Year 9 Morrisby Interviews 11 - 15 September 

With the VCE expo and seminar last night, we hope that the students in Years 9, 10 and 11 have gained a deeper understanding into their senior pathways and the numerous subjects we have on offer here at Beaumaris. 


We are looking forward to a great term ahead and can't wait for the exciting things on offer.


Holly B & Kyle G 

College Captains