Library News

Student ID Cards

A reminder to all students that your Compass Student ID card is also your library card. Please bring your student ID card to the library when you would like to borrow.

Return Box

Please return your books to the RETURN box at the entrance to the library. Thank you!     

Book Club 2023

Book Club for 2023 is up and running. Year 7 and new students are welcome to visit the library if they would like to join. Book Club runs at lunch time every week on Wednesday.

 Library Opening Hours 

Make your way up to S3 on the Southern level! 

Monday - Thursday 


The library is open at recess and lunchtime.

Happy Reading!

Featured Books 

The fascinating third novel in the GIVER quartet – Messenger by Lois Lowry.


On the cover the publisher reveals the ongoing story: ‘Since Matty arrived in Village, he has grown from an impetuous little boy to a dependable young man. Guided by the blind Ser’s visions, only Matty can pass through Forest unharmed.


Then when a sinister force seeps into Village, its open borders are closed to the outside world. Matty must again brave Forest to find Seer’s daughter, Kira, and bring her safely home…’

Written in plain English, The World War II Book is full of explanations and insightful illustrations and graphics of events and milestones during the conflict. 


DK Publishing asks the questions: ‘What key battles turned the tide for the Allies? Why did the horrors of the Holocaust happen? How did the war bring about the end of old empires and establish new super powers?’

Vanishing Act by John Feinstein


Publisher Yearling Books writes: ‘When teen sportswriters Stevie and Susan Carol score press passes to the U.S. Open, they expect drama. They expect blistering serves, smashed returns, and fierce competition. What they don’t expect is kidnapping. Russian tennis star Nadia Symanova was supposed to win it all, but she never even made it onto the court. Now the whole stadium is an uproar trying to find her. Can Stevie and Susan Carol get to Nadia before it’s too late?’ 

Get to know your local library!

Just a couple of hops, skips, and jumps down Reserve Road and you’ll be at Beaumaris Library! (And hopefully not too puffed out…)


The library is the perfect place to learn some new skills – or teach them to others.


We also have a variety of books that could help you complete that next assignment – and this is the original AI – ask us a question.


Aside from all the books, there’s a wealth of physical and digital resources too. For example, Choice magazine to help with that next purchase, getting into e-audiobooks so you can still listen to a book while you do those errands, improve your home energy usage with one of our Home Energy Efficiency kits or just come down to the library and use the space to study (maybe socialise a little).


Lastly, if you’re keen on reading, the library is looking at starting up a Bookclub or a Bookchat, but we’ll need some input from you! If you’re interested in managing a small collection of titles and reading with your friends, let us know what you want to read (novels, comics, manga, etc.) and how often you might want to meet up at the library.


Trent Tascon‑Guillaume​​​​

Children & Youth Services Librarian | Libraries, Cultural & Customer Services

Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge

It’s great to see our students embrace reading and the Challenge which is on now until 8th September. All students who meet the Challenge will receive a certificate of achievement signed by the Victorian Premier and former Premiers and go into a draw to win prizes. To read the Premier’s letter to parents, view the booklist and for more information, visit


Students can visit the library if they have any questions or issues.


Niamh McPhelimy 

Library Manager