
Mr Crane, Mr Jones, Ms Kirk, Ms Huntly, Ms Bennett, Ms Nguyen, Ms Kini and Ms O'Dowd

Innovation and Design


To celebrate Harmony Week this week, in Innovation and Design sessions we have been discussing what we feel in different situations and how we can act positively, respectfully and kindly towards others, both online and offline. Foundation students thought about what makes them special. Year 1 and Year 2 students thought about how to show empathy to their friends. Year 3 and 4 students considered how they can be kind in online space. Year 5 and 6 students developed their understanding of the differences between banter and bullying.



Foundation: Over the last few weeks, students in Foundation have been investigating a range of different pattern styles. They have enjoyed using concrete materials such as hippos, sea animals, counters and blocks. Students have been enjoying identifying and continuing patterns as well as creating their own.




Year 1 and 2: Students in Years 1 and 2 have focused on ways to be safe online. They have identified strategies to use to keep themselves safe when they are feeling unsafe or upset whilst using technology. This includes social and emotional strategies.





Year 3 and 4: The Year 3 and 4 students have investigated the different spaces online (personal, private and public) and discovered what personal information is safe to share in the different spaces. The students have also explored the positive strategies they can use when they are feeling negative emotions whilst using technology.




Year 5 and 6: In Year 5 and 6 students have continued to explore privacy settings and ways to protect themselves when using technology. They have also been learning about critiquing information that they read online. We investigated a range of headlines and used a set of criteria to identify ‘fake news’. 



In Science, students continue to learn about the Earth and Space branch. During their science sessions students learn about the various observable changes in the environment, different geological processes that affect the Earth and the impacts of these changes bring in the form of natural disasters.


Foundation - Year 2: Seasons: After previously discussing Summer and Autumn, this month the students explored Winter and Spring. Students are displaying their understanding of the characteristics of each season and how these impact their lifestyle through discussions, drawing and writing. Students are showcasing their understanding of observable changes in the weather and the difference these bring to their activities, clothes and food. 


Year 3 and 4: Erosion and Deposition: Students in years 3 and 4 discovered the geological processes of erosion and deposition this month. They are beginning to link these processes to their prior knowledge during discussions in the science sessions and understanding how these processes are linked and vital to Earth’s geography. Through research and collaboration they are identifying various examples where weathering, erosion and deposition takes place around Australia and the world. Students will be showcasing their knowledge during the assessment later in the term.


Year 5 and 6: Natural disasters: Students in years 5 and 6 posed questions and researched solutions to tackle bushfires and cyclones this month. They learned how cyclones are formed and the steps to safeguard themselves when encountered with bushfires and cyclones. They could also link flooding as a major impact of cyclones on land. Students will be demonstrating their understanding of these natural disasters in their upcoming assessment later this term.



Visual Arts


Foundation: Students have been exploring the works of Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo. This week, students started designing and making money-boxes that demonstrated their learning in the Visual Arts this term. Happy saving foundation students!


Year 1/2: Students have continued learning about the ‘Impressionist’ era in the Art world. Focusing on famous impressionist painter, Monet, students have created watercolour landscape paintings and focused on the elements of value, colour and form to create their works. 



Year 3/4: Students have used pastel blending techniques to create three works based on Van Gogh’s famous paintings. Students re-created ‘Starry Night’, ‘Sunflowers’ and ‘Wheatfield at night’. 




Year 5/6: Students have enjoyed creating a shoe design brief. Students have designed a shoe that represents themselves. Year 5/6 students presented a design brief and then applied their design to a canvas shoe. Using fabric markers and fabric paint, they will be decorating and completing their shoe over the next fortnight. 






Physical Education


Students have been learning about the Fundamental Motor Skill of ‘Catch’. The students have enjoyed a range of activities that require students to use the correct steps in order to be successful when completing a catch.  When students were practising the catch they used the ‘Fruit Bowl’ hand position. We encouraged students to continue to practise this skill at home by using the same technique. 


Years 1 and 2:

Students have been learning about the Fundamental Motor Skill of ‘Kick’. They practised the steps that are involved when kicking a ball. Students were using both the side and top part of their feet to kick a ball at a target. We taught students to use the ‘Step, Kick, Follow’ technique when performing the kick as it reinforces the necessary actions when performing the kick.


Years 3 to 6:

Over the last month our year 3-6’s have been working on their basketball skills. During the first week we focused on dribbling, where we worked on ball control and spatial awareness while moving. We then went on to shooting, where we focused on the correct hand placement and technique. For our 3rd and 4th week our focus was on gameplay and strategies, while doing this students also got a chance to involve dribbling and shooting into a game setting. 

The students loved playing a game of SWAT, which is where they need to try and tap another students’ ball out of control while protecting theirs. This game proved challenging and allowed students to practise the defensive position while moving around the basketball court. 

During the 5vs5 matches on our 4th week, it was clear students were using their skills learnt and were able to recognise strategies while they demonstrated their learnt skills. 


Our next focus for the year 3-6’s is Cricket, this includes the overarm bowl, overarm throw, the two-handed side on strike and various strategies to improve on runs or wickets. 

It is fair to say that our students are very passionate and excited to begin learning more about the great sport of Cricket. 



The Year 5 & 6 students have had a crazy month, we have been busy learning new skills and competing in Gilgai Plains first ever round of Interschool Sports. 


In the Craigieburn North district there are currently 3 schools who Gilgai Plains plays against, these schools are Gayip Yagila, Mount Ridley College and Wallan. Each Friday morning we played against one of these schools either at our own grounds or theirs. Our teams did great overall, we played with determination, showed resilience and compassion and gave it our best. Two of our teams went all 3 matches without a loss. It was great to see the students working together as a team and supporting each other. We look forward to seeing more Interschool Sports in the future.