Year 5 & 6

Ms Hall, Ms Riolo, Ms Armstrong and Ms Hicks 

Congratulations to the Year 5 students who have just completed NAPLAN testing. Everyone tried their best and approached the testing with Zest and a positive attitude.

 Several new students have joined us since our last newsletter. Everyone has made them feel welcome so they can settle in for a positive year of learning.



Students have been learning about the text structure and language features of persuasive texts in Literacy. They learnt the importance of choosing topics they can argue with reasonable opinions and support with facts. They have learnt the importance of emotive language which plays on the emotions of the reader. The teachers have continued to check in with each student individually and have encouraged them to work on their Reading and Writing goals.



Over the last few weeks, the students have been working on vertical addition and subtraction with regrouping. This builds on the place value they were learning in February as they needed to add to or take from the left column, depending on the equation they were doing. 


Civics and Citizenship

The students have been researching the levels of Australian government, what each level is responsible for and how elections are run. They have explored the role the monarchy plays in the Australian government and why the Australian Government is a Constitutional Monarchy.



Social and Emotional

During week 4 the student looked at healthy food choices. They studied the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating in the school diary which shows the foods and drinks we should consume the most, down to the foods and drinks we should consume the least. They discussed why it is important to make healthy food choices.


In weeks 5 and 6 students studied conflict resolution, with a focus on what makes a bystander during an incident and how to be a good friend and be helpful in a difficult situation. They also Looked at personal hygiene. The students observed that a person’s hygiene habits need to change as they get older and what these changes might include.