Year 1

Ms Crane, Ms Conforto, Ms Russo, Ms Harrington, Ms Maher, Ms Ripper and Ms Bowden 

Hello wonderful year 1 families! Can you believe we are nearing the end of Term 1? Here are just some of the fantastic things we have been learning… 



In Literacy, we have been learning to read and spell CVCC and CCVC words and have begun moving on to CCVCC words. Last week, students practised this skill by wearing a headband with a short sentence which their partner would read to them, and they would write the sentence in their book. Students were then able to check their sentences matched their headband. The students had fun and were very engaged in their learning. We have also been developing our handwriting skills including ensuring students are starting their letters in the correct position, that they are formed correctly and sit on the baseline.




In Numeracy, we have been learning about addition, 2D shapes and 3D objects. In addition, students have been practising the count on strategy using a number line. Students have had the opportunity to find the larger number on a number line, then count on the smaller number to find their answer. 


Social Emotional Learning

In SEL, we have been learning about communities. The students have drawn maps of our local community, starting with our school and then our broader community. Students understand the roles of different community members including community helpers such as police officers, firefighters and paramedics. In SEL, students have learned strategies to be ‘self managers’ to develop problem solving skills and independence. 



Harmony Day 

On Tuesday 21st, we celebrated Harmony Day, which recognises the diversity within Australia and brings us all together. On Tuesday morning, we gathered as a school dressed in cultural dress or orange, the colour of Harmony Day. The students were engaged in different learning activities throughout the week which celebrated diversity of cultures and languages.