
Ms Sapardanis, Ms Lawson, Ms Achilles, Ms Walker, Ms Rodwell, Ms Oldfield and Ms Nicholas

Learning in Foundation


As you are all already aware, in Foundation there are always so many exciting things happening! Friendships are continuing to bloom and our students are becoming more confident and comfortable in their school environment. Foundation students are displaying our school values of Kindness, Respect, Learning Together and Zest in the classroom everyday. As well as class reward systems, our Foundation students are earning points for our whole school house program (Namatjira, Goolagong, Mabo and Freeman). The students are excited every fortnight to find out which house has gained the most points! 


Foundation students have continued to build their letter and sound knowledge with our Little Learners Love Literacy program. So far we have learnt all of the Stage 1 Sounds (m, s, f, a, p, t, c and i) and are beginning to embark on Stage 2 (b, h). Students are participating in daily literacy activities where they practise reading, writing and identifying words that begin with these sounds. 




In Writing we have started to explore what a letter, word, picture and sentence looks like. During daily writing practice students are encouraged to include learnt sounds to begin to form sentences. Every Monday the Foundation students complete a weekly recount where they continue to develop these writing skills.




Students have continued to learn the Stage 1 (I, The, the, My and my) and some of the Stage 2 (He, he, She, she, We, we, Was and was) Heart words. These can be found in the Student Diaries if you wish to practise these at home. 


Students have continued to learn about the numbers 1-10. Students have engaged in lots of hands-on tasks where they have been working on ordering, matching numbers to a collection and identifying the before and after of a given number. 

Foundation students have also had lots of fun learning about common 2D Shapes. Students have been participating in adventurous 2D shape hunts where they identify circles, squares, triangles and rectangles. 



Social and Emotional Learning 

Students have been continuing to develop their social and emotional skills by participating in class discussions and activities surrounding building resilience. Foundation students have been discussing who they can go to for help, catastrophe scales, problem solving when issues arise and ways in which we can communicate how we are feeling.