Aerobics update

Aerobics Autumn Challenge
On Saturday 18 March two soloists and a pair competed at the first Aerobics competition of the season, Autumn Challenge. It was a great way to get some practice prior to Regionals commencing on Friday 28 April. A huge congratulation to everyone who competed, you did a great job.
Olivia A (Orange singles) - 2nd place
Lily S (Blue singles) – 2nd place
Olivia Mc and Lily S (Blue pairs) – 2nd place
Mentone Challenge
On Saturday 1 April, approximately half of the aerobics squad had a friendly practice competition with Mentone Girls' Grammar. It was a great way for squad members to practice in front of an audience, gain confidence and connect with a local school.
A huge thank you to Olivia Mc and Lily S, our Aerobics Captains who worked with the MGG Captains to organise this terrific event.
The aerobics students have all been training hard in preparation for their first competitions at the start of term 2.
We look forward to seeing what the rest of the season brings!
Tess Molina
Director of Junior School and Head of Aerobics