College Matters

Digital learning on show
MGSC recently hosted Brendan Rigby, Director, Tech Schools and Digital Learning for the Department of Education. Brendan and colleagues Carrie Lau and Isabel Lue were inivited to visit to discover first-hand our program in the emerging technologies space. Diana Gilbert, Director of Emerging Technologies, prepared a program for our guests where various classes and year levels where using digital learning and creativity were incorporate into the studies. We were able to show the STEAM Connect Centre and its spaces when they visited a Year 9 Textile and Plastics elective, Year 9 English elective 'Emerging Stories', Year 10 Science using Bioplastics and a Year 7 Digital Technology class. We hope there will be more opportunities to highlight MGSC's innovative programs.
Hayley Dureau
Year 6: A Day in the Life Program
On Thursday 30 and Friday 31 March, MGSC hosted 125 Year 6 students from 20 different primary schools for the first A Day in the Life program. Participants were able to experience high school for a day, and attend a PE session, Maths lesson, Languages class and a Food Technology practical.
The day was a huge success with lots of positive feedback and many new friends made.
A huge thank you to teachers Ms Molina, Mr Sinclair, Ms Ta and Ms Bowers for your expert efforts on the day and our Year 7 class captains, Evie, Artemis, Seretta, Asiya, Amelie and Samaya for their help with each group on the days.
Some of the captains shared the following reflections:
It was a new opportunity to be a role model for Year 6 girll. My favourites were the pi reciting contest, counting to 10 in French, seeing all the girls making friends, and cooking the surprise chocolate balls. Artemis
I loved answering the questions they had and making them feel more comfortable for high school. I loved seeing heaps of people make new friendships Evie
A Year 5 Program will be offered to prospective families in late November.
Detta Gordon
The kids (and teachers) in the kitchen need help
We seeking a Food Technology assistant for 3 to 4 days (negotiable) in term 2. The role is key to having the classroom kitchens and supplies ready for the classes we offer in Food Technology and Food Studies at Years 8, 9 10 and VCE.
It includes ordering, receiving and preparing of food at the direction of the experienced teacher; some assistance during the class; and overseeing the reset of the kitchens. Ideally, the candidate will have experience in food preparation and/or catering; be able to implement food safety guidelines; and be able to follow cleanliness standard policies and procedures. There is internal support from other Education Support staff experienced in the role. It's a great opportunity for anyone wanting to work locally during school hours.
Interested or know someone who could fill the role? Enquiries and applications to
Kelly Lloyd-Vanni, Business Manager -
Carol Duggan, Hayley Dureau, Detta Gordon
Assistant Principals