Around the outdoor classroom

Enviornmental Science at Werribee Zoo
This week the Year 12 Environmental Science class went to the Werribee Zoo. We got to explore the zoo and the animals to learn about the conservation programs that Werribee zoo had to offer.
One of the conservation programs was around the Eastern Barred Bandicoot, a small marsupial that is only found in South-eastern Australia. Bandicoots used to be extinct in the wild but due to the successful captive breeding program in Werribee they are now thriving in the wild, in areas such as the French Island, Churchill, Phillip Island. Their conservation status has also changed from extinct in the wild to critically endangered.
After learning more about the conservation efforts of fauna and flora in zoos, the class was able to collect data in the Werribee grasslands on various types of habitats and conditions suitable for the eastern barred bandicoot. This information was sampled by using circle quadrants and moisture probes, the data collected will also assist us in completing our Unit 3 SAC.
Later in the day, we went on the safari bus trip to the arid landscapes and savannah grasslands to explore the open plains and learn about some other endangered species around the world. Overall, we had a great time learning about animals, not only in Australia, but also those around the world.
Jemimah S (Year 11)
Amusement Park Physics
On Thursday 9 March Year 12 Physics students went to Luna park for VCE Physics day.
The students went on rides with specific relevance to the Unit 3 study design and were able to apply their knowledge of circular motion and forces while on amusement rides. This experience was fun and engaging for the students and teachers in attendance and let students have a reprieve from their busy schedules. Personal favourites of students included rides like enterprise where they felt the full force of gravity and reaction forces on them and the twin dragon where students felt their weights change as they experinced negative acceleration.
The Unit 3 & 4 class are extremely grateful for this escapade and hope that in the future more physics events can be held. They’d also like to extend their thanks to Ms Gilbert and Ms Thornley for accompanying them and facilitating the event and making sure they had a great day.
Skye K(Year 11)