2023 Top Class

On Wednesday 15 March the VCE Theatre Studies class attended Top Class at the Malthouse Theatre. The whole idea of Top Class is that selected year 12 theatre studies students from the previous year get to perform their monologue (that was their Unit 3 & 4 exam) to the current year 11s and 12s. This gives them an insight into what your performance should look like and also to showcase the best ones from last year.
There were nine performers and they were all exceptional. The performers ranged in performance pieces, acting styles and use of set, costume, props, lighting and sound, and were from all over Victoria. It made it extra special that one of our ex-students, Samantha Martin, was performing that day - she was amazing and we are all very proud! Many friends and classmates from 2022 also attended to support Sam.
I’d like to thank and congratulate, on behalf of our class, all the performers on their monologues. They were very inspiring to all of us and provided us with some valuable ideas for our own monologues! Also a big thank you to Ms Connolly for organising our excursion and Mr Veevers for coming along as well.
Holly S (Year 11)