Junior School Council News

World Vision Sponsor Child Social Service Day

On Wednesday the 29th of March, we held a fundraiser for our World Vision Sponsor Child, John.

Thank you to everyone, our collection of $368.10 is about half of what we need to raise. We will be holding another Social Service Day for him next term.


John is 17 years old and lives in Lower Yatta, Kenya. John enjoys playing ball games in his free time but when he’s not playing ball games he is gathering firewood for his family. John’s favourite subject at school is Mathematics. John has a big family including 3 brothers and 2 sisters. John’s full name is John Teresia.


By sponsoring John, we are helping to provide him and his community with many things, such as clean water, toilets, handwashing and hygiene supplies and crops - mung bean and cowpea seeds, which grow in hot sun with only a little rain.


Here are some photos of his community and how we are helping.


By Lily and Scarlet on behalf of JSC 😊