House News




Itā€™s insane how fast Term 1 has flown by with all the fun weā€™ve had from many events this term!


Athletics had us at the edge of our seats with a very close race between all four houses throughout the day. For us, it was the best start possible with many Rothwellians winning and placing highly in the 1500m event! While we gave our best shot, we ultimately placed 2nd, a very valiant effort from all our Rothwellians. All of you should be truly commended for this resultšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘. We were extremely proud to see all the energy and determination you brought to Athletics, wanting to better our swimming performances, which we 100% didšŸ„³. From outcomes in events to the novelties, mini-house challenges and to the house chant, we honestly couldnā€™t have asked more from you guys. Infinite thank yous to Mr Kelly for planning and setting up the relay training. Words will not be able to describe the grit and passion you put into this and we are happy we were able to repay your efforts back with our house achieving the best result of all houses in the relaysšŸ¤©!!! Huge congratulations to the Year 12 boys, Year 12 girls, Year 11 girls and Year 9 boys for winning your relays!!! Huge congratulations also go to the Year 11 boys just missing out on first by less than a few metres and the Year 10 boys, Year 10 girls and Year 9 girls for leaving it all on the track!!! We thank all relay team members and reserves for rocking up to training in order to fine tune everything and get the spectacular results that we did. Infinite thank yous also go to Ms Carroll for organising such a wonderful and successful Athletics carnival. The 2023 Year 12 Rothwellians will definitely remember our last Athletics carnival as the best weā€™ve ever had! 



Our drive to win was still present as the term continued. VCE sports was a domain where our senior Rothwellians have been dominating this year. Volleyball was the first sport and our mixed year 11 team secured a victory over Blackwood in the finalsšŸ’Ŗ!!! Our mixed year 12 team came second in a very close game against Blackwood too! 

In recent weeks we began the basketball season, with both girls and boysā€™ teams winning in the first round of the tournament against Cottrell. The second round against Blackwood with the boys showcasing their Rothwell spirit, picking up a decent lead to end in a draw. However, the highlight of VCE Sports so far goes to the Rothwell girls, putting up an NBA-worthy performance against the Blackwood girls, shutting them out and WINNING 66-0šŸ¤ÆšŸ„¶!!! As we take a break, we will definitely be ready to continue our winning ways in Term 2.


The rest of Rothwell will also be ready for Term 2 with many other events to take place including:

  • Active April - which is actually happening right now!!!
  • House Art which will no longer be attached to Chorals and instead, be its own competition!
  • House Drama - sign-ups are happening now so be sure to check compass!!! 
  • Cross country - break out your running shoes these holidays!
  • Flag Football (NFL) - a new competition where even more house points are now up for grabs!

AND the biggest house competition of the year, ChoralsšŸŽµ!


Our chorals team, under the guidance of our wonderful Chorals Captain Alonso and Whole School Music Captain Jasmine, have been working hard in preparation for the competition next term. We kicked off with chorals bootcamp, a full day event in which the best and brightest musicians from each house come together to devise a plan and decide on perhaps the most stressful aspect, the chosen songs. Over the last few house assemblies, we began rehearsing our mass singing, the only house event which requires every member of the student body to participate! While the main event isnā€™t until week 7 of next term, the time flies by so be sure to listen to our songs and LEARN THE LYRICS during the holidays!


As mentioned, the Active April competition has begun so Rothwellians, be sure to join our house team (code: rothwell--1) and log all of your active hours over the school holidays!

Remember to check compass and the Rothwell Instagram account (@rothwell_house) for further instructions and updates on the competition. Letā€™s log in these hours and get the WšŸ’Ŗ!


Lastly, we just want to congratulate all of you on a wonderful start to the year! Give yourself a pat on the back for making it through this term! All of you deserve this term break so remember to get plenty of sleep and eat well! Go out, have fun and truly enjoy the 2-week break (donā€™t neglect studies too much though!) so you will be rejuvenated for an eventful Term 2! Most importantly thoughā€¦ā€¦STAY ACTIVE APRILšŸ˜‰!!!


- Rothwell House Captains, Manya Arya (R9), GiaLuan Joaquin Tchen (R4)



Itā€™s actually crazy how term 1 is nearly done and we have done so much together as a house already !


So far, we have had an amazing performance in events such as swimming, athletics, our lunchtime house events, in which the entire house has put tremendous amounts of effort in. The leadership team is very very proud of how much effort every single person in Kororoit is putting and thankful for working together and being co-operative. 


As the term has passed, we have experienced tremendous growth in house spirit as well as our eagerness to perform our best. Although it was challenging at first, we pulled through with swimming (PLACING 2ND!!) and our stunning performance in athletics, scoring us 1st place. A great shoutout to our lovely sports captain Kean who has put in so much effort in boosting the houseā€™s morale and pushing for the importance of our house events and also the sport events we have during lunches. We admire the diligence and dedication of all Kororoitians in showing up and doing their part with great enthusiasm. We should continue this great energy with our upcoming and already running events such as Active April, House Art, House Drama and other lunchtime sport activities. 


House Chorals is also up and running, with our Chorals Captain Joey, working hard with the house and leadership team in making sure Kororoit does their absolute best. Our mass rehearsals every house assembly are sounding great (not an excuse to not practise the lyrics and listen to our songs!!). Itā€™s one of the greatest events of the year where the entire house comes together to give their all, sound extraordinary and show off our artistic talents. This is our chance to reach for that house cup!! 


Just another reminder to stay updated on upcoming events and announcements (ACTIVE APRIL - SIGN UP!!!), respect and appreciate our leadership team (especially Joey for putting loads of effort in chorals), and as always staying dedicated and enthusiastic!!




signing off, 

Your House Captains - Ishaan and Jewo ā¤ļø šŸ‰




Hi Cottrell!!


We want to begin by saying how proud we are of every single one of you and how much weā€™ve accomplished together as a house. You all work so hard and we couldnā€™t be more grateful to lead such a keen and wonderful community. 


As the second major event, athletics, has come to pass, we want to highlight the great house spirit you all have shown! The participation and energy was on point the whole day which can be seen though our 1st place in house spirit!! We are so proud of the enthusiasm of the house and appreciate everyone who was giving their all. Loud cheers came from Cottrell throughout the whole day as well as smashing out the chant. On top of that, our chant was PHENOMENAL and well-deserving of 1st place!!. The energy, the volume, the spirit, it was all there. We showed a lot of improvement compared to swimming šŸ™‚ and we will continue to improve! 




We are genuinely so grateful to you all for making this athletics memorable for the two of us and we hope that it was for you too. As you all know, chorals are next and we are already killing it. With a mass song as fantastic as ours, we simply cannot wait to show what weā€™ve got during chorals. Remember to keep practising! Letā€™s make sure we give our all and win this!



The Active April competition has also started so for those who havenā€™t and joined, itā€™s not too late to join! 


Again, we want to reiterate how thankful we are for all of you because without you guys, Cottrell wouldnā€™t be Cottrell. Remember to relax and take a break during your holidays. You guys deserve it šŸ˜‰.



Your house captains,

Carin (C8) and Nathan (C8)





Hey Blackwood Knights! 


We want to begin by reiterating that your leadership team is so proud of the hardwork and dedication you are all showing this year! The aspiration and contribution we have seen from so many of you, dispute the challenges of the first school term is nothing short of fantastic!


This term has been jam packed, from VCE students facing their first SACs for the year, the welcoming of our new students, and the beginning of our house competitions for 2023. We know it has, at times, been tiring and challenging, but we are so impressed with all of your efforts, and hope that you are looking forward to some much deserved rest over the holidays. 


Our year 12s took out 1st place in VCE volleyball with our yr11s grabbing a very impressive 2nd. Weā€™re already leading the competition in basketball and are hopeful to continue our winning streak and house spirit all the way through the year!


The house competition this year has been beyond exciting so far! We started with a splash, taking the wins for both swimming and the house spirit award! We then took a 3rd at athletics and an impressive 2nd place in house spirit at the athletics carnival. 



VCE sport is also now up and running, and it is wonderful to see the effort our students are putting in, representing our house with pride. Our year 12s took out 1st place in VCE volleyball with our yr11s grabbing a very impressive 2nd. Weā€™re already leading the competition in basketball and are hopeful to continue our winning streak all the way through the year. (ALSO, DONā€™T FORGET THAT ACTIVE APRIL IS ON! SO WE NEED YOU ALL TO GET ACTIVE OVER THE HOLIDAYS & LOG EVERYTHING YOU DO <33) 




House Chorals is now well underway (courtesy of our brilliant chorals captain Izan), with our mass singing rehearsals of Mamma Mia and Lanterns sounding absolutely awesome, and our instrumental band and small choir working hard to perform for the house next term, so get excited! We are in a great place to really flourish at chorals this year and we are so thrilled to see what you can do, so keep up the hard work and house spirit! 


With some alterations to the running of House Art this year, we think you should keep an eye out for the wonderful artworks in the coming term! We would also like to extend our congratulations and welcome to Siya, our new House Drama captain! The newly introduced house drama competition is going to be a very exciting event that you wonā€™t want to miss out on, so we highly recommend that Blackwood students sign up to join in.


As always, please reach out to your leaders for whatever you need! We hope that you are looking forward to participating in a range of events this year. We are so proud of your efforts so far this year, please take time to rest and recover over the holidays, because term 2 has a lot in store for us all, and we want you all to have the best experience possible!


Happy holidays Blackwood, we canā€™t wait to see you soon!

Your House captains, 

Aryius Alves (B1) & Sophie Parnham (B7)



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