Athletics Carnival

At the close of Term 1 I would like to reflect on what a wonderful ‘Carnivals Season’ we have collectively had at SCHS. The highlight during both the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals has undoubtedly been the high degree of participation from students across year levels and houses. The introduction of the Mini-House Challenges provided greater opportunities for students to get involved, and these opportunities helped to further develop the House Spirit that truly elevates the day.


I would like to express my genuine appreciation and admiration for everyone’s efforts across both carnival events, whether that was through participation in competitive and non-competitive events, or as student helpers, in the collaboration between student captains and their engagement coordinators, or the students who spent hours preparing patriotic decorations to share amongst their peers, and finally to the staff who threw themselves into the days with enthusiasm and a desire to get to know students and to help celebrate their successes.


New to the Carnivals Coordinator role, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge and thank Mr Adrian Sipala for his ongoing support and generosity of time in the preparation and implementation of both carnivals. With Cross Country just over the horizon (Term 2, Week 3!!), I am keen to enjoy, once again, the aspirational levels of participation and house spirit return, rounding off another fabulous Carnivals Season here at SCHS 😊


Alexandra Carroll

Carnivals Coordinator


Event shots

In the Crowd