PFA/School Advisory Council News

PFA News


SAVE THE DATE – Bunnings – Saturday May 6


St Kevin’s has been allocated Saturday May 6 for our Bunnings Fundraising BBQ at the DONCASTER store.


A form requesting volunteers for the roster and/or donations for supplies will be distributed in the next few weeks. 


All details will be on the form.





Please note that the tuckshop will operate every day during Term 1 if we can get volunteers for each day.


At this stage we have at least one volunteer for most days. We still require a volunteer for the following days:

Tuesday March 21


If you are able to assist by volunteering could you please send an email to : and Gina will include you in the roster.



PFA Meeting – Friday 24th of March at 2.30pm

If you are interested in finding out more information or would like to join the PFA, please come along on Friday 24th March at 2.30pm in the library. It is a great opportunity to contribute to your child’s school and get to know others within the school community. 


Suzanne C.

PFA President