
Congratulations to all of our award recipients! 

Recognising Respect

Congratulations to the following students for receiving a Recognising Respect Award this past fortnight.  


Week 7

Week 8

FAS - Jimmy W

For showing courage and confidence this week in the classroom. Jimmy, I love how you are using a growth mindset to have a go at being your best. 


FCP - Darcy S

For always focusing when completing tasks and trying his best at all times. Keep up the great work Darcy. Well Done. 


JLP - Jumana A

For always being focused in class and performing to the best of your ability. You're a star!


FAS -  Zac I

For exploring your knowledge of numbers. Zac, I love how you helped your partner write the numbers to 10 in words and kept going to 20.


FCP - Stevie M

For completing a great tally chart and its matching graph in maths. Your work was very neat and your focus was fantastic. 


JLP - Archer O

For having an amazing go in Maths this week and for being an all round great member of our class.

JRS - Noe L

For all of the effort you are putting in to concentrate during class discussions and whilst working independently. 


JRS - Imani S

For being a great classmate by helping others in the classroom.

MLM - Henry D

Using his creative imagination and expansive vocabulary in writing.


MLM - Ariya V

Creating a lovely classroom enviornment with her focus and kindness.

MRF - Clare P

Seeking help with your learning in the classroom.


MRF - Billy J

Your hard work in maths this term - you are becoming quite the mathematician!

MRW - Maria K

Being such a kind and considerate classmate always, and for always helping me without being asked.


MRW - Cristopher S

Your terrific leadership during our preparation for assembly sharing!

SLM - Sienna S

For your application and hard work towards your Free Writing Friday piece. I really admire your choice of adjectives!


SLM - Leo N

For the outstanding effort you went to in presenting your Bike Ed homework. The detail and design was amazing!

SMM - Julien B

For the leadership qualities you consistantly show, you are a fabuolous role model for your peers.



SPO - Brodie H

Showing a growth mindset during Bike-Ed, with your mindset and determination you can achieve anything! Go Brodie!


SMM - Harvey D

Your commitment and effort towards your role as a Sports Impact Team member and the kindness and consideration you show younger students. 


SPO - Vidya A

Always working collaboratiively to help your friends and following the school values.


Student Birthdays


We would like to say a BIG Happy Birthday to the following students who have celebrated their birthdays over the past two weeks. We hope you had an AMAZING birthday! 

Jack S - MRW

Seb L - MRW

Matea D - MRW

Henry B - SMM

Cooper O - FAS

Sam F - FCP

Cooper P - FCP

Georgiana C - JLP

Kyle H - SMM