Wellbeing @ NPS

Zones of Regulation - Corrie Barclay

At Newtown PS, we use the The Zones of Regulation to help us regulate and understand how we are feeling. The Zones help students to understand how they feel and are also a way to communicate how they feel with others. 


With improved emotional literacy and an ability to understand how they are feeling, children can learn to manage and respond to their emotions in more effective ways. The model explains that we all move through the Zones. We validate that all  Zones are okay, although sometimes our behaviour might not match what is expected in a certain situation. For example, it's okay to feel silly (Yellow Zone); but, it's not okay to blurt out silly remarks in the classroom.


There are 3 key messages regarding The Zones of Regulation:


1. Everybody experiences all of the Zones and can move through the zones.

2. A single Zone is not good or bad. All The Zones are okay, but not all actions are okay.

3. Particular Zones may be more helpful or unhelpful in particular situations. 


We encourage all families to use the Zones of Regulation framework in their own homes to keep the language consistent and to reinforce the emotional literacy being developed at school.