Making Jesus Real

Religious Education 

Accountability | Grade 5/6s


It was my pleasure to recently work with the year 5/6’s at John Paul II and we focused on the theme ‘Accountability’ and how important it is ‘to claim the blame’ when we do something wrong. Teachers and parents/carers must hold young people accountable for their actions and as a class, we discussed how the ‘Art of Reflection’ will help us to correct mistakes. Tied into this was also how essential it is to understand and use manners. We looked at habits and how we need to work on changing negative habits and cultivating positive habits.


We also introduced the term ‘If it is to be, it is up to me.’ If you like to follow up on this why not visit The MJR podcasts – a GPS for Life at


Again, the students were an amazing group due to their enthusiasm, love of magic and their ability to see and be the Spirit of Jesus – why not ask them what they learned in the session eg about not back chatting, saying OK with a smile, making someone’s day with a smile or compliment. Some parents/carers will receive a written letter from your child, asking for help concerning them being held accountable.


God Bless

Marty Ogle