There were a very excited VCAL group after winning the HitsGV BBQ competition. They had to write a blurb on why they needed a new BBQ and send in a photo of their current BBQ. The student’s obviously hit the right note and won a Beef Eater four burner BBQ, from Harvey Norman.
They will christen the BBQ with lunch in the near future after planning, budgeting and organising the event. They hope also to do some fundraising and are open to requests.
VCAL students using the game of checkers to achieve some of their outcomes. In Literacy, they are covering Reading for Knowledge as they research how to play the game, interpret the rules and try to win the game. They use strategy to understand that sometimes you have to sacrifice to win in the long run.
VCAL is not just about bookwork and projects, we include activities that stretch the mind and build skills to support our students in their goals for the future.
Paper planes and scrunched up paper
Today VCAL are working on a few of their Numeracy elements, estimation and unit conversion. Students had to estimate how far they could throw a scrunched up piece of paper and a paper plane of their own design in metres, and then convert their estimate to centre metres. To check their estimates, they each got to throw the paper and the planes. To finish the activity, students reflected on how close their estimations were and how we could improve the experiment.