
Latrobe Uni – Experience Clever
Experience Clever gives you the chance to experience uni for a day by taking part in fun and dynamic workshops led by real lecturers. Year 10, 11 and 12 students and their parents are invited to get hands-on experience and discover what being a uni student is really like.
Register now for Albury-Wodonga and Melbourne Experience Clever. Bendigo registrations opening soon.
- Albury-Wodonga 28 February
- Melbourne 3 April
- Bendigo 8 July
Year 9 Career Service
The NEW Career Advisory Service will be delivered to all Year 9 students at Cobram SC in 2020. This program recognises the importance of learning career planning skills as part of the overall career planning process for young people. The service uses a personal online career discovery tool (Morrisby Online) which provides objective and relevant information about the student and the opportunities and options available to them. The Year 9 Career Service is designed to help students make better choices about subject selection, vocational education and training, senior secondary school certificates and further study. Permission slips will be distributed to current Year 9 students in the coming weeks and more information will be available closer to date.
Tax File Numbers
Students will need a tax file number if they start work (part-time, casual or full-time) and all students planning on a tertiary education require one when they start university.
Students can apply for a TFN online and have their identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office.
To apply, visit