Harmony Day
Harmony Day
KDC celebrated Harmony Day on Wednesday 21st March with a Lunchtime festival to celebrate diversity and inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all members of the KDC community.
The day also coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
The lunchtime festival included a number of activities organised by SMAD students, including 3-on-3 Basketball, a Rubik’s cube competition, Flag Trivia competition, and signing hands to place on the Harmony Tree. There were also a number of music and dance performances, with a number of students singing in languages other than English, and showcasing dance from their culture in front of a large crowd of staff and students, and a special performance from the KDC choir. The Year 10 Business students, EAL club, and Year 12 VCAL students were also involved, running a number of food stalls selling a range international foods which were very popular with students and staff. Year 10 Explore Your World students also ran sessions with Year 7 students around the Harmony Day theme.
Thank you to everyone who participated in Harmony day, whether it was through organisation, or by attending the event to make the day a successful and fun experience for all.