
Canteen Helpers

Friday 16th February - Selyna Wilson

Monday 19th February  - Helper Required

Tuesday 20th February - Cynthia Morgan

Wednesday 21st February - Bree Thompson

Thursday 22nd February - Helper Required

Friday 23rd February - Selyna Wilson

Monday 26th February  - Toni Adams

Tuesday 27th February - Cynthia Morgan

Wednesday 28th February - Helper Required

Thursday 1st March - Helper Required

Friday 2nd March - Selyna Wilson


Volunteers Required - 

Our school canteen, selling chips, ice creams and icy poles,  is staffed by parent volunteers. If you would like to assist in the school canteen, a volunteer is required each day from 1:30pm - 2:10pm


If you are able to help out please let the office know which day suits you.


Canteen Menu - 

Our Canteen items and prices have remained the same as last year. A price list is attached below.

Lunch Orders

PALS are unable to provide lunch orders on Tuesday 20th February. Please ensure all students bring a packed lunch to school.


The Lunch Order menu has remained the same as last year. Please see the attachment below if you do not have a copy.