Administrator Update

Northlea is Proud to be an OPAL School
Newsletter Updates
The Administrator Update, Dates to Remember & Identity Month sections have been updated with new information.
Stay Connected with Northlea
Be sure to follow us on Twitter @NorthleaTDSB. You can also check out our website at Special thanks to Frank Chang for his work on Northlea's website.
Lunar New Year
We share best wishes with community members celebrating the Lunar New Year at the start of February.
Parents as Partners
The TDSB Parents as Partners conference is on Saturday, March 30, 2019. There is an incredible range of workshops to attend. Please visit for more information.
February is Kindergarten Registration Month
We are looking forward to welcoming new students and families to our Kindergarten program for the 2019-2020 school year. Registration begins in February.
There are two options for beginninging registration: ONLINE or IN-PERSON
Both options require a second step of in-person document verification. We invite you to call the main office at 416-396-2395 and arrange an appointment with Ms. Keith or Ms. Saroglou.
Please follow this Kindergarten Registration Link for all of the required forms and instructions for Kindergarten Registration.
Please also mark your calendars for two special Northlea Welcome To Kindergarten Events:
Kindergarten Orientation at Northlea: Friday, June 14, 2019 @ 9:40 am in the Library
The Great Kindergarten Play Date: Thursday, August 22, 2018 @ 6:30 PM
Additional information can be found via this link:
Visit from MP Oliphant and MP Chagger
Ms. Robson's Grade 5 class has begun thinking about their 7th Generation Innovation inquiries. They are exploring how to ensure that refugees and asylum seekers can access affordable and safe housing. As part of their research, they invited MP Oliphant and MP Chagger to Northlea. Special thank you to Dr. Birinder Singh for his initiative with this meeting. The students were inspired to be changemakers. Thank you to MP Oliphant, MP Chagger and Ms. Robson for making these important opportunities available to our students.
Leaside Cup
Congratulations to everyone involved in the Leaside Cup. This year the Grade 5/6 team won the 5/6 Tournament Cup! Although not Leaside Cup winners, Northlea's 7/8 team also played hard and had a great time on the ice. Well done Northlea! You make us proud! Thank you to the staff and parent coaches for your commitment to this portfolio.
Grade 7/8 Updates
A Dance: On Friday, January 25th, the SLC hosted a dance and the money raised is going to Camp Oochigeas. Thank you Mr. B. and SLC.
The Ski Trip: On Wednesday, January 16th, the Grade 7/8 students went skiing at Mt. Saint Louis Moonstone. It was great to spend the day - outside on the slopes!
MADD Canada Presentation: On Tuesday, January 29th, MADD Canada will be meeting with our Grade 7/8 students. MADD Canada describes their program as follows:
MADD Canada’s school programs bring high-energy drug and alcohol awareness and risk reduction messaging to the world of education. Youth and school programming have been a key component of MADD Canada’s youth services, education and awareness initiatives since 1994. The programs are designed to communicate directly with young people on their level and in their language, and encourage them to take a closer look at their values and perceptions.
Yearbook Photo Submissions
We invite you to share photo submissions with the yearbook. The online link is:
7th Generation Innovation
Please save the following date: Thursday, April 11th at 6:00 PM
Our teachers have begun planning for this year's 7th Generation Innovation design thinking initiative. Our theme this year is SUSTAINABILITY. We are drawing upon both the wisdom of the Seventh Generation Principle from many Indigenous communities and the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals to frame our problem based learning.
Winter Fun: Northlea's OPAL Winter Play Day
Please mark your calendars for WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6th 2019 for a special day at Northlea.
It is Global School Play Day, Winter Walk Day and Northlea's Walk & Roll to School Wednesday. In celebration of all of these events, we are hosting our first OPAL Loose Parts Winter Play Day. Check out our latest commercial:
Global Music Program
We are fortunate to be hosting the Global Music Program this year. The instrument set we are working with is the Indonesian Gamelan set. Ms. Malach has been introducing her students to these instruments. In our short time with this set, we are learning so much! This is an exciting opportunity and we share our appreciation with the TDSB Music Department for making this available to us.
Pizza Lunch
This Thursday, January 31st is Pizza Lunch.
My Life Online
Please mark your calendars for our Parent Evening on Tuesday, February 12th @ 7 PM. My Life Online will host a webinar on the topic of supporting your child develop healthy digital citizenship.
African Inventors & Icons Exhibit @ Northlea
Please join us on Thursday, February 7th from 6:00-7:00 PM as we host family visits to The African Inventors & Icons Exhibit. The exhibit will remain at Northlea on Friday, February 8th and classes will partake in visits. You can check out the video below to learn more about this travelling museum.
February Home and School Meeting
We invite you to join the February Home and School meeting on Thursday, February 7th at 6:30 PM. We willl take some time to visit the African Inventors and Icons Museum together.
OPAL Loose Parts Drive
Your donations make a big impact. Please bring loose parts donations to the bin in the front foyer. Examples of requested loose parts are in the following posters.
Trustee Corner
Please visit Trustee Chernos Lin's website for updates about Ward 11:
Kiss & Ride
With the cold, winter months ahead, we are fortunate to have our wonderful Kiss 'n Ride Program running daily on weekdays southbound on Sutherland Avenue from 8:30am-8:45am. This volunteer-driven program allows parents to save time and keep all kids safe on their way to school. We encourage families to either park legally or use this amazing valet service. We also would love to have more parents sign on to help with this wonderful initiative. If parents would like to see this program continue to operate, we must have more volunteers willing to help ease the load of our current team.
Please consider volunteering 15 minutes of your time weekly/biweekly to help keep this program running at Northlea! You can sign up to volunteer by clicking here.
A few reminders about Kiss 'n Ride:
- Students should only be dropped off inside the orange safety pylons, where they will be assisted by a volunteer. This ensures a safe drop off & minimizes back ups. Parents should not be getting out of their cars to help their kids.
- When you enter the KNR, please wait for a volunteer to open your car door.
- Please ensure that all students are ready to go when the car door is opened such as shoes/ boots are on feet and backpacks are ready to go (on backs or laps). Also please ensure that all hats and mitts are on before drop off.
- All students MUST exit the car on the passenger side ONLY, exiting on the driver’s side is extremely dangerous as others cars may be passing the drop off zone.
- Once your students have exited the car, please wait for the car in front of you to advance and continue on. Please DO NOT attempt to "pass" or "merge" with other cars in the drop off zone.
- Safe drop off should take LESS THAN 60 SECONDS but sometimes with weather, construction, volume of cars, and/or only one volunteer on duty, it shouldn’t take more than just a couple of minutes.
Grade 8 Transition to Grade 9
Families with children in Grade 8 are asked to pay close attention to all notices about the transition to Grade 9. Grade 7 families are also welcome to join these events so they have a good understanding of the process and options available.
TDSB Secondary Schools Open House Evenings: List of Dates and Locations TDSB schools host information nights for parents and students each year between October and January. Learn everything you need to know about the incredible variety of schools, programs and courses throughout the TDSB. Find what inspires you. Join the open houses to help make an informed decision before choosing a school. Tour TDSB facilities, meet staff and learn more about exciting TDSB Secondary programs and activities.
Secondary Optional Attendance – Key Dates:
February 1, 2019
Optional attendance forms due at secondary school - Applicants are responsible for brining the forms to each of the schools they are applying to via Optional Attendance.
February 15, 2019
Deadline for parents/guardians of students to be informed of the status of the application request
Course Selection
February 22, 2019
Course selection sheets due at elementary schools
March 1, 2019
Course selection sheets due at secondary schools - Northlea staff will deliver these course selection sheets.
TDSB Policy Consultations
From the TDSB Website - We Want to Hear From You - The objective of consultation is to gather public input regarding options, alternative courses of action, as well as to identify unintended effects for various participants and to find solutions. We would like to know your thoughts about our policy decisions by inviting you to our policy consultations. Please click on the policy of your interest to see the current draft. You are welcome to provide your comments, including suggestions on the wording and provisions of the draft policies, questions or recommendations using the contact information below.
Student Dress Code Policy (P042) - To establish standards and fair and equitable practices for student dress in schools; centered on student engagement and student voice. To recognize that students need the freedom to express themselves and experience school as an important social environment, not a professional work environment, and that dress plays a fundamental role in how students build healthy relationships and express themselves. Click for Draft Policy (save as word document) Student Dress Code Policy Survey - Closes February 28, 2019 Contact
Restrictions on Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Use Policy (P0XX) - To promote a working and learning environment that is free from the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol and substance use, including tobacco, cannabis, and its related products. Click here for Draft Policy (save as work document) Closes January 31, 2019 Contact
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (P0XX) - To establish the framework for the Board’s compliance with the MFIPPA and other applicable legislations; and; to demonstrate the Board’s commitment to protection of personal information while recognizing and supporting the public’s right of access to information in the custody and control of the Board and its third party providers. Closes February 4, 2019 Draft Policy Contact:
Home Instruction Policy (P060) - To establish the Board's commitment to providing home instruction services for all eligible pupils in accordance with the requirements of Ontario Regulation 298, Operation of Schools – General under the Education Act. Closes February 22, 2019 Draft Policy Contact:
School Cash Online
We use an online payment system for school related items such as field trips. You can register at: .