Religious Education and Social Justice

Season of Lent  

Season of Lent
Season of Lent

As we commence the season of Lent, it is timely to remember that we are called to focus on becoming closer to Jesus by praying a little more, doing good deeds for others, going without something we like and giving generously to others in need.

Project Compassion donations


Each year we support the work of Caritas Australia Project Compassion. Donation boxes will be placed in each Learning Community. We encourage children to place some money in the boxes so that by the end of Lent we can make  a donation to Caritas Australia to support the wonderful work they do in caring for people in Australia and other countries.

Faces of Project Compassion

Each week during Lent we will share the stories of Project Compasson to inspire us all to take action and raise awareness about the challenges experienced by people living in poverty.


This week we learn about Laxmi from Nepal.


After losing her father at a young age, Laxmi was at risk of falling further into extreme poverty. But with the support of  Caritas Nepal, Laxmi joined a children's club, became a leader in her school advocating for clean water taps at her school and is now a mentor to other girls in her village. 


Watch Laxmi's story:


A Prayer for Lent


God who walks with us, 

be our guide this Lent. 

Sustain us in our fasting,

 inspire us in our praying, 

lead us in our giving. 

May we support the work 

of Caritas Australia, 

walking shoulder to shoulder 

with our sisters and brothers 

around the world 

until all live life in fullness. 

We pray in the name of Christ. 




Jane Wilkinson

Religious Education Leader