Year 5/6 curriculum newsletter

Term 1 Curriculum Newsletter
This term Grade 5 we will be revising a wide range of mathematical concepts in preparation for NAPLAN in March. The Grade 5 and 6 students will both undertake a unit on place value to strengthen their understanding of whole numbers beyond six digits, as well as becoming more familiar with decimal numbers. We will be exploring number patterns involving both addition and subtraction and learning to identify the rule before continuing a number pattern. Students will also work on building their automatic recall of multiplication facts through daily fluency sessions.
This term the Grade 5 and 6 will become familiar with features of a range of text types and be encouraged to choose books that are a good fit for their reading abilities. Together with the teacher, they will set individual reading goals and have the opportunity and support to practise applying specific strategies in their independent and small group reading tasks. They will embark on a unit to analyse persuasive texts and identify specific techniques writers use to persuade their audience.
During Term One we will explore traits that writers use to enhance the quality of their writing pieces. With an emphasis on ‘ideas’ and ‘organisation’, students will build their skills in these areas. Students will work on their own ‘discovery drafts’ as well as participate in skill sessions where they will practice applying different traits to their writing. Student work samples will be used to aid in the creation of individualised goals during teacher-student conferencing, and these goals will be monitored and evaluated throughout the term.
As part of the Inquiry program, students will be exploring historical events that have shaped Australia. They will learn about colonial life and what economic, political and social impacts were made when colonies settled in Australia, as well as the impact colonisation had on First Nation Australians and the natural environment.Year 6 students will explore preventive health and the strategies and systems put in place by the Australian Government to support initiatives. They will seek understanding about the impact of preventive health on their own life and services available to support their overall physical, mental and emotional well-being.
We are looking forward to enhancing our wellbeing this term with the introduction of the Resilience Project. Students will explore the importance of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness through a series of carefully planned and targeted learning experiences.
This term students investigate the tools of drawing, creating artworks using pencils, markers, crayons, and oil pastels. Students learn the elements of art – line, shape, and colour.
Students will explore lines as patterns and discover that black and white optical illusions can trick the eyes of the viewer. They use fine liner pens to make detailed patterns to fill a shape and make choices about how their design will look. Students explore making marks as texture and drawing images from different points of view. They will work towards developing their confidence and artistic skills as they appreciate and value the creations of others.
This term our focus is on Athletics and Fitness. Students will be able to participate in high jump, long jump, triple jump, shot put, discus and track events including hurdles. We will be working on long and short distance running to improve their fitness levels. Students will be able to participate in a Rugby clinic this term. Trials for Winter sport will commence. The sports are T-ball, Football, Netball and Soccer.
During Term One Performing Arts, Grade five and six students will be devising their own plays as well as working with scripted plays. Working collaboratively, students will step through the play-building process to devise, rehearse and present characters and storylines, whilst focusing on creating empathy with an audience.
This term in Japanese the Year 5/6 students are learning about the importance of the Japanese New Year and that this year is the year of the Rabbit through a craft activity. They have started creating ‘About Me’ bunting where students are writing facts about themselves and what they like. Students are practicing reading and translating the Japanese words on the bunting including name, age, family, birthday, pet, favourite food, favourite sport, and favourite colour. Students are revising numbers, colours and greetings and will continue learning how to identify hiragana (Japanese alphabet) and use these characters to read and write words in Japanese.