Prep curriculum newsletter

Term 1 Curriculum Newsletter
Our aim for reading is for all students to develop a LOVE of reading. They will explore concepts of print; understanding where we begin reading and what direction we read in. They will learn how to use their fingers to track words read on a page and understand the difference between letters and words. When reading, students will activate their prior knowledge and make predictions about the books they read. They will also begin to sequence and retell stories they have read.
Students will build their fine motor strength and ensure they are using the correct pencil grip and posture when writing. Students will recount personal experiences through drawing and labelling. They will practice writing their name and understanding that it begins with a capital letter and the remaining letters are lower case.
In maths the preps will explore number concepts, focusing on number recognition and counting. The students will explore the importance of one-to-one correspondence when counting. Each class is keeping track of how many days we have attended school in preparation for celebrating our 100 days at school!
Preps will explore two inquiry topics during term 1. The first will include families, where students will investigate the concept, origins and make up of their family. The second will be Shaping Identity where students will explore what it means to be healthy, safe and active.
This term the preps are focusing on adjusting to the school routine and expectations. We have been learning how to be a learner, this includes understanding and showing our school values in and out of the classroom.
Each child has been given a grade 6 buddy and each fortnight we will meet with these buddies to undertake a range of activities that will help build and maintain a positive support system.
This term students are encouraged to investigate the tools of drawing, using pencils, markers, crayons and oil pastels while being introduced to the elements of art – line, shape, and colour.
- Line - When exploring lines, students will identify, name, and draw lines as straight or curved, thick or thin, long or short. They will extend their awareness of other lines such as scribbly, zigzag, dotted and curved.
- Shape - When exploring shape, students will identify and name shapes as squares, circles, triangles. They will learn that shapes can become images of people, animals, machines or houses, and that shapes can be repeated to become patterns. Students will explore how shapes can be used as 2-dimensional drawings, paintings, or collage works.
- Colour - When exploring colour, students will identify and name primary colours – red, blue and yellow and they will learn how colours can decorate shapes and patterns as they are used in 2D artworks.
This term we will be establishing expectations and routines when the students come to Phys Ed. Our focus will be on Motor skills such as running, jumping and hopping. Students will learn to listen to instructions and be aware of our safety rules.
During Performing Arts classes in term one, Foundation students will be exploring the Performing Arts room - learning how to be safe in the space and working collaboratively with their new class mates. Preps will be exploring song and music through basic catchy tunes whilst playing various percussion instruments, as well as using drama and dance to share their ideas and stories.
This term in Japanese the Prep students are learning all about Japan including where it is, the flag and what kind of things are found in Japan. They have been making their own booklets to show interesting facts about Japan. The students are also learning classroom routines and phrases such as how to do the roll in Japanese and how to say “thank you” and “goodbye” . As the term progresses, students will participate in games and songs to build their vocabulary, specifically numbers.