Message From Our Principal
Mrs Jackie Stockdale
Message From Our Principal
Mrs Jackie Stockdale
This week our neighbouring Catholic School, St Augustine's College Kyabram, have experienced the unimaginable- a student passing away. Our thoughts and prayers have been with the family of this student and the entire St Augustine's community. It is during times like this that we are reminded to hold our loved ones closer and treasure every moment we have to make memories with them.
The teachers have continued preparing for their PSG meetings and Learning Conversations this week and next week. This is a great opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss how your child has settled into the new year. It is also a chance to work together to establish specific learning goals for your child. You have all received an email regarding booking a meeting time. For those families having a Parent Support Group (PSG) meeting please reply to the email that Emma sent you on Tuesday.
These learning goals and the strategies that will be used to achieve them will be recorded on PAM/SIMON Everywhere. This in turn means that families will be able to access this information about their child using PAM or the SIMON Everywhere App. We will notify you when you are able to see your child’s goals.
On Monday the 13th of February teachers took part in Literacy professional learning while students had a Curriculum Day. The teachers enhanced their knowledge and understanding of morphology. We all learnt something new while consolidating our prior knowledge.
Thank you to all of the families who attended our Beginning Year Mass last week. Father Novi was really impressed with the behaviour and interaction of our students. He throughly enjoyed having an icy-pole with the students following mass. It was lovely to see so many family members in the church to listen to our amazing singing and passionate responses during the mass. Family participation in the mass is an example of the commitment our families have towards being a part of our community.
A BIG thanks to our ‘Friday Feeds’ volunteers. They have been providing us with yummy, nutritious food. The most amazing part has been seeing the looks on the faces of the students when they see their mum/nan preparing and serving the food.
We are beginning to prepare for our annual Easter raffle. We would really appreciate it if each family could donate an Easter egg or Easter themed object. This donation can be dropped off at the school office.
Thank you in advance for your contribution and continued support.
Our next planned whole school gathering is our St Patrick’s Day Mass, celebrated on Friday the 17th of March and 10am with Father Michael. On this date we will be celebrating St Patrick with multi-age activities and a yummy green morning tea. The students are encouraged to dress in green clothes to celebrate the day and they will be involved in a parade in the morning. This parade will take place outside at 9am and all parents are welcome to attend.
Congratulations to the Grade 5/6 students for the outstanding way they conducted themselves in Melbourne while they were on camp. Their attitude, behaviour and engagement was outstanding! Thank you to Ms Rasmussen, Niky and Molly for ensuring the trip was a great success.
Next week we say goodbye to Mrs Tyler as she leaves us to begin her maternity leave. We would like to thank Mrs Tyler for everything she has contributed to the St Patrick's community over the last 9 months. We would also like to wish her all the best of luck on welcoming a wonderful new bundle of joy to her family. We can't wait to meet the new member of her family!
Are you interested in taking a more active role in our school?
Are you keen to offer advice, support and engage in strategic planning with the Principal of our school?
Are you committed to ensuring that our school is a place that is open, inclusive and welcoming?
Are you able to help build community amongst our parents and the local Tongala community and advocate for our school?
Do you have some great ideas for school improvement, future planning and school review?
Do you have gifts, talents, passions or skills to share?
Are you willing to support the Principal in the operational leadership of our school?
The School Advisory Council operates as the main consultative and advisory body in the school. We meet once a term and gather at a time of day that suits most members. We can be flexible. We share ideas, something to eat and drink as we work together to ensure that our school remains the amazing place that it is, now and into the future.
If you are interested, please contact Jackie or Kieran Brennan, the School Advisory Chair. We will be meeting for the first time this year in the coming weeks and we will notify our community of our 2023 Advisory Council Members in the next newsletter.