CEPS Kids are

Friendly Kids

This term we are working on 


and next week we are looking at



There are opportunities every day to use your manners.  At home, in the classroom, at the canteen, visiting the office, in the yard, at a friend’s home - there are people who help us and all of them need to be treated courteously. 


One great way we can use our manners is by using words that include: please, thank you, sorry and excuse me. You will be surprised how much people value manners. 


These simple words let people know you do appreciate what they do for you and let them know you are a friendly kid. 


So, this week let’s hear lots of please, thank you, sorry and excuse me!



The above students were rewarded as our Value Ambassadors at our last assembly for 2022.  The students worked very hard during the week representing all of our school values - COURTESY  RESPECT  CO-OPERATION  and RESPONSIBILITY.