Student of The Week Awards

Congratulations to all our SOTW Award Recipients!


Student Name

Quality Displayed



Flynn Feldman


Flynn has settled into his first weeks of primary school beautifully, completing activities with enthusiasm and following new routines with confidence. He has even helped some of his classmates settle in showing he is such a great role model in the classroom. We are looking forward to a wonderful year with you Flynn!


Indi Taylor


Congratulations to Indi, who has shown bravery in Foundation E. Indi is able to organise herself in the morning with great courage and confidence. Well done, Indi!


Winnie Emmins

Love of Learning

Winnie is to be congratulated for such a fantastic start to her learning in Foundation. She tries her hardest when completing her work and is always keen to share her knowledge and listen to everyone’s ideas. Well done, Winnie!


Hailey Harries

Love of Learning

Hailey has settled easily into Black Rock Primary School. Her love of learning shines through. She approaches all tasks with enthusiasm, shows great concentration and always works to the best of her ability. Well done Hailey.



Sophie Manuell 


Sophie has shown wonderful enthusiasm to all learning tasks. She displays curiosity when learning and asks interesting questions to further her understanding. Keep up the great work Sophie!



Chloe Beattie

Love of Learning

Chloe has had a wonderful start to the year.  During our class discussions she is always a willing contributor and has a go even if she is unsure.  Chloe has enjoyed completing all learning tasks confidently and never gives up!!  Chloe should be very proud of all her achievements so far, keep up the fantastic work.


Winter Anthony

Excellent Listening Skills

Through the first 3 weeks of Term 1, Winter has demonstrated excellent listening skills by completing class tasks in an enthusiastic and timely manner. Winter has also always looked to assist other classmates with class tasks. Keep up the great work Winter!


Isabella Stanef


Isabella has started the year with a bang! She has been getting involved in class discussions, always listens attentively and has been a fantastic line leader. What an amazing role model!


Ashton Ogier


Ashton should be commended for his resilience and positive attitude at the beginning of his learning journey at Black Rock Primary School. I look forward to seeing the amazing things you achieve here!  


Pia Fagan


Well done to Pia who has started the year with a bang! She has been getting involved in class discussions, always listens attentively and has been fantastic at transitions between lessons. What an amazing role model in 2S!


Teagan Fahey 


Teagan is a most respectful student who works in a focused and cooperative manner. She is generous with her time and willingly assists her peers and teachers. Thank you Teagan, your help is greatly appreciated.  A great start to Year 3


Ingrid Blunt

Kindness & Leadership

During her second week of Year 3, Ingrid was seen demonstrating immense leadership and kindness on the asphalt area during lunch. Ingrid noticed a foundation student sitting alone; with nobody to play with. She took the initiative to approach the student, then helped that student find their buddy.


Milla Georgiadis

Kindness & Leadership

During her second week of Year 3, Milla was seen demonstrating immense leadership and kindness on the asphalt area during lunch. Milla noticed a foundation student sitting alone; with nobody to play with. She took the initiative to approach the student, then helped that student find their buddy.


Cohen Billing


Cohen shows great kindness to all of his classmates and teachers, he is always looking to put a smile on the faces of everyone around him. Last week Cohen went out of his way to check in with and cheer up an upset friend. Thank you for spreading your kindness and smiles in 3M Cohen! 


Zoe Barglowski


What a wonderful start to Year Three Zoe has had. She always comes into the classroom with a smile on her face, and her quiet yet determined attitude makes her a true role model to her peers. Well done on a fantastic first few weeks Zoe!


Yuting Lim

A Love of Learning

Yuting has started her year with a high level of responsibility by always willing to collabor ate wi th others in her group.


Layla Stanef

A Love of Learning

Layla has made an excellent start to Year 4. She is organised, she works carefully and is always on-task. What a wonderful asset to our classroom! Congratulations, Layla.


Jules King


Jules has demonstrated wonderful leadership qualities so far this year. He is kind and courteous and is a great role-model to his peers. Jules can be trusted to be fair and always works well in teams.


Olivia Sax

Love of Learning

Liv has made a fantastic start to Year 5. She has been a fantastic contributor in all of our sessions so far and displayed great enthusiasm to achieve her best. Keep up the great work!



Max Griffiths


Max has made a terrific start to Year 5 and should be congratulated! He has settled into the new year, working well with his peers and enthusiastically participating in all activities. Max has great energy in the classroom and is always making others laugh with his great sense of humour. I’m looking forward to a great year in 5L Max! 


Garion Liew

Love of Learning

Garion has made an excellent start to the school year. He approaches all learning tasks with dedication and hard work. He happily shares his knowledge with the class and builds upon his own understanding by asking questions. Garion is a motivated student who consistently works to a high standard. Well done Garion - keep it up!


Luke Smyth


Congratulations Luke from 6M, for always persisting in an activity. You have shown curiosity and eagerness to work as a team to find a resolution. Well done.