Year 7 Camp

Tyler Fehsler 

Last Wednesday, Thursday & Friday the new year 7 cohort went to Port Fairy for camp. The camp was centered around building new friendships, engaging with staff and developing skills in and around the water.


The students tried their hands at surfing, snorkelling, boating and fishing, as well as a tour of Tower Hill. The weather Wednesday was perfect for activities in the water and the students thoroughly enjoyed the experience. However, once the weather turned Thursday afternoon the students showed a lot of resilience and persistence in tough conditions.

The boating tour consisted of a lap of the bay and some sight seeing while the fishing was a highlight with several good catches made. The tour of Tower Hill was a hands on experience where students discovered some indigenous heritage, while trying bush tucker and learning about volcanoes. On top of all these activities the students completed a night walk, and the Port Fairy pursuit where they learned. A lot about the towns history and its surroundings.


Students particularly enjoyed the free time at camp playing cricket, throwing the vortex, board games and learning about their new friends.

The camp was a great experience for all students and the way they interacted, made friends and helped each other was a highlight for all staff involved. 


Tyler Fehsler

Year 7 Coordinator