Wellbeing Hub

Kate Couchman

Welcome to a new school year.  I am very excited to be back at Monivae, in the new role of Director of Student Wellbeing. Monivae is a very special school, and I would like to start by thanking everyone; staff, students and parents for making our new Wellbeing Hub team so warmly welcomed into the Monivae community. 


New name…

With the re-launch of wellbeing support at Monivae, we have decided to replace the old ‘Student Services’ name to the ‘Wellbeing Hub’. This has been positively received, with many students and staff already dubbing the space as “The Hub.”


Along with a new name, we have a number of fabulous new staff in the Wellbeing Hub: Belinda Carroll has moved from Learning Support into the counselling space, and Matthew Crane has joined us four days a week, Monday to Thursday, also in a counselling role. I will provide more information about Belinda, Matthew and myself in the next edition of the newsletter. We are all very excited to be welcoming students down to the Wellbeing Hub to support them in a number of areas.  Katee Mitchell (Director of Students) is also based in The Hub which is another new change for 2023. 


We are encouraging students and families to email us at our new email address: wellbeinghub@monivae.vic.edu.au for an appointment for students to see one of our Wellbeing Hub counsellors.  Students, parents/guardians, staff and external providers (doctors, mental health services) can send us through a Wellbeing Hub Referral form (attached to this report) with basic information outlining any concerns students are facing. The Wellbeing Hub will then be in contact to make an appointment with the student to support them. 


We have had a lot of students returning for support to the Wellbeing Hub and many new faces which is pleasing.  We do ask for patience while we try and allocate students to a counsellor, complete or update PLPs or SWGs and find our feet in our various roles. 


We are very excited to introduce students, staff and families to some new wellbeing initiatives throughout 2023, including some wellbeing information and strategies through this newsletter. 


Please don’t hesitate to contact any members of our team. We are very open to positive and collaborative communication with our whole school community. 


Kate Couchman

Director of Student Wellbeing