Principal Team

David Tapp & Shane Gagiero

Dear Parents and Carers,


We had our 2023 Student Leadership Badge Assembly last week.  Our student leaders are set up to transform the world around them. As young leaders, they have an opportunity to influence circumstances, events and people. Each leader represents their class and their voices are heard throughout the school, using various meetings and panels for feedback. They embody the values that Somerville Primary Community considers important this includes the learning and wellbeing of fellow students at school.


This Wednesday was International Women's Day with a theme that is to embrace equity. This is about belonging and inclusion. Our student leadership team will collaborate, cooperate and demonstrate care. Being included and having a sense of belonging is more than just wearing a school uniform. The International Women’s Day theme drives home this message with

Think it

Be it

Do it

Don’t just say it.

We all play a part. Each of us has an opportunity and responsibility to our school community. The high expectations for learning and wellbeing at Somerville Primary School are central to our safe and orderly learning environment.   


Our student leaders are optimistic for the future. Our student leaders will listen to new ideas of others and critically assess their merit. Think it.


Our student leaders will model respect in all their interactions embracing the diversity around us.  Be it.


We empower our students to amplify their voices. Student leaders are part of the shared decision making and a great example is how the structure of assembly was changed, uniform changes and planning events such as casual clothes days and whole school events. Do it.


Our Business Manager, Jane is moving back to Moorooduc Primary this week, Jane joined us from Moorooduc in the middle of 2020. We wish her all the best, Melissa Barrett is joining our team from Mount Eliza North Primary School. Melissa has been the Business Manager there, she has a wealth of knowledge and experience. 

Mobile Phones and Smart Devices –

Just a reminder for all families; as per DE guidelines all Smart Devices including Phones and Smart Watches must be handed into the office at the beginning of each day and can be collected at the end of the day.

Somerville Star Awards

Reading Nights

Have a great long weekend,


David and Shane