Welcome to the 2023 school year.


A warm welcome to our new students and families joining the St Joseph’s College community this year. We have had a positive start to the year with the Year 7, 8 and VCE students starting on Wednesday February 1, and the remaining year levels returning on Thursday February 2. The Year 7 students completed a two-day induction program to familiarise themselves with the college and support their successful transition into secondary school. I want to congratulate the Year 7 students on their ability to adapt to their new secondary school environment quickly. I also thank the senior student 'buddies' who have the role of mentoring and guiding the Year 7 students. The beginning of secondary school can be an exciting time for many students, but it can also be challenging. We encourage students and families to keep in regular contact with the respective Homeroom teacher as concerns arise.


The college celebrated the achievements of our 2022 Year 12 students, Year 11 Academic scholarship recipients, and the Sisters of Mercy Scholarships at the College Awards assembly on Monday February 6. Caterina De Maria, the 2022 College Dux, gave an inspiring reflection on her learning journey. She mentioned her great admiration for her teachers and thanked them for supporting her.


In the second week of term, our Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 students participated in their respective Seminar Days, which are a component of the Religious Education program at the college. Mr Chris Doyle from Karis Ministries conducted the Year 9 and 11 Seminar Days, which were well received. Chris has had a long association with the college and is always warmly welcomed back by staff and students. Your Choicez conducted the Year 10 Seminar Day with a focus for the boys on Healthy Masculinity, Pornography, Consent and Healthy Relationships. In contrast, the focus for the girls was Qualities that Matter & the Helpers, Consent and Healthy Relationships. 


The Year 12 Seminar Days involved the students working with Gen Bryant and her team for the first day, with the second day focused on Indigenous culture and experiences. The Indigenous day involved a presentation from Mr Will Hannah, who conducted a smoking ceremony and discussed his hopes for the future of Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. The students also heard from Greg Sloane and Taya Philips about their reflections on the Stolen Generations and how we can all move forward together through Reconciliation. They also participated in some hunting/boomerang and Indigenous dance activities. Finally, I thank Miss Paula Cox and her team for creating opportunities for our students to enliven and deepen their faith.  


All students completed a Student Learning Agreement during Extended Pastoral Care in week three. These agreements demonstrate the students’ commitment to accepting the high expectations that come with being a St Joseph’s College student concerning the following areas: Attendance, Work Ethic, Administration, Pastoral Care, Ethos, Uniform and Conduct. The college places high regard on developing positive, respectful relationships between members of our college community. To assist in building these relationships, we acknowledge the need for agreement from all involved to a set of expectations that enhance the behaviours, attitudes and values that underpin interactions within the college.


The college Uniform Policy is part of the Student Learning Agreement, where students agree to ‘wear the uniform correctly at all times of the year, as per uniform guidelines and policy’.  I am pleased to report that the vast majority of students are generally wearing their uniform correctly and with pride. 


While the uniform guidelines have not changed in relation to earrings, students are reminded that earrings are limited to small plain spherical gold/silver studs or sleepers for pierced ears (ear lobe only)—no plastic, gemstones or pearls. Students are also not permitted to wear rings or have coloured nail polish/nail extensions. We thank you for your support in keeping our school uniform one of our most distinctive and proud symbols. If you have any queries about the uniform policy, please refer to the Uniform Policy and Guidelines on the college website.


Our Wellbeing Team is meeting individually with all Year 12 students, Year 7 students in their Homeroom groups, and new students to the college in Years 8–12. These meetings are designed to provide guidance and support in these potentially challenging and stressful periods. Our Year 11 students have all been contacted by the Wellbeing Team to arrange appointments as they start their VCE/VCE VM pathways. All students are encouraged to seek wellbeing support via email or by reaching out to First Aid or college staff.


The college ensures that we have members of the Wellbeing Team at both the Enright and Mercy campuses to meet the needs of our student community. We are fortunate to have such a passionate and experienced team that strives to ensure every student’s wellbeing is supported and monitored.


While we are fortunate to work and study in a community where incidents of theft are sporadic, this has led to complacency among our students in relation to their personal belongings. All Year 7 students and new students to the college are provided with a lock which is required to be used on a locker. If students still need to get a lock or it has been misplaced, they must purchase it as soon as possible.


Students must place their mobile phones and smart watches in their lockers during the school day, which highlights the importance of using a lock on their lockers.


Late in 2022, we finalised our Student Leadership Team. I congratulate Brandon Blake (Arts), Giselle Ribarits (Faith), Manreet Atwell (Mercy Action) and Will O’Connor (Sport) on being appointed to their respective Vice Captain positions.


I wish all our student leaders the best in their leadership journeys this year as we continue to promote active student voice and advocacy in the college.

I wish all students and families a happy and successful 2023.


Mr Heath McClaer

Deputy Principal Students