Welcome back to the college and especially to the Mercy campus for 2023. It has been great to see everyone ready to start the year on a positive note. A new year often brings its own little challenges, and it has been great to see so many students have a really positive start to the year. As Head of Mercy Campus, I have found this to be very rewarding and commend the Year 8 students.


As well as a new group of Year 8 students and many students new to the college starting with us, we also have a few new staff. I welcome all new students and wish them the very best for their journey at St Joseph's College, particularly during their time at the Mercy Campus. I want to also welcome staff from the Enright Campus that have not worked at the Mercy Campus before and all our fabulous returning staff. I look forward to working with you all in assisting our students in striving for happiness, success and excellence.


Please put our Information Night on your calendars: Tuesday March 7. You will be given key details about your student’s time at the Mercy Campus, information about the Grampians Camp, and the option of a campus tour.


A few reminders as we start the year: 

  • Your student’s Pastoral Care Teacher for 2023 will play a similar role to their Enright Homeroom teacher. They will be your first point of contact when working with the college.
  • School drop off and pick up can be done within the campus grounds. It is much safer than dropping students on Eleventh Street or Riverside Avenue. Enter the grounds via the Eleventh Street gate, drop students at the theatre end of the campus, and exit onto Riverside Avenue.  Vehicle access to the campus is one way only. 
  • When picking up students during the day, please park in the front car park on Riverside Avenue and collect your student from the office inside the foyer.
  • Advise college reception when your student will be absent for the day. This allows for accuracy in roll marking and notifications.


Developing student leadership and responsibility is an important aspect of student life at the Mercy Campus. This process began in 2022 when Year 7 students nominated, spoke, interviewed and voted for Mercy Campus leadership positions. I am pleased to announce the 2023 Mercy Campus Leadership Team:


Campus Captains – Levi McClellend and Lilliana Bertalli

Vice Captains – Jack Brown and Scarlett Albanese

Academic Captains – Heidi Gibson and Charlize Patterson

Sports Captains – Arnold McCoy and Liana McClaer

Arts Captain – Sienna Plany

Mercy Action Group Captain – Olivia Ede

Wellbeing Captain – Olivia Foley 


Congratulations to our new student leaders. Your enthusiasm and dedication are a delight to watch as they develop. These students will be a key link between students in Pastoral Care Groups and the students at the Enright Campus. They will also hold an authentic, genuine voice regarding what happens on campus. I cannot wait to start working with these students.


On Friday February 17, students participated in a Wellbeing Day. Students had the opportunity to be involved in various activities, from passive to active. The sessions were run by teaching staff and members of the Wellbeing Team. I am grateful for their time, expertise and commitment to the wellbeing of our students. Students worked through the following sessions within their core groups:

  • Resilience
  • Rock and Water
  • WDP Card Game (a game of choice)
  • Mildura BJJ Self Defence Session
  • A Beyond Blue activity on self-esteem
  • Awake and Mindful. 

 Ms Danielle Duscher

Head of Mercy Campus