Get to know the Board

Bruce McKay

St Philip's College is an incorporated as a company and governance is overseen by the College Board. 


Over the next few weeks, we'd like to highlight our current Board of Directors, so parents are familiar with who is charge of the College's Strategic Plan. 

Board Chair Bruce McKay B.Sc.(Hons) FAICD FIEAust

Bruce McKay was elected as Chairperson in June of this year, succeeding Libby Prell who retired after 10 esteemed and resolute years at the helm. 


Bruce’s deep connection with the College is drawn from his father Fred McKay, our College founder.


Bruce graduated with a degree in Geology and had a successful corporate career spanning several industries over a 30-year period. At the culmination of his international career with Exxon, he held the position of General Manager, Production for Esso Australia, responsible for the largest petroleum production operations in the country. Subsequently, Bruce became Director of Personnel at Telstra, and Chief Executive and Head of School of the Australian Graduate School of Engineering Innovation.


For the last twenty years, Bruce has pursued a portfolio of interests including consulting, company directorships and executive coaching/mentoring. He is currently the Non-executive Chair of ANU Enterprise and IPB Petroleum and a Trustee of the John Flynn Foundation for Frontier Services of the Uniting Church of Australia and of the Killara Golf Club Foundation.


As an Executive Coach and Mentor with the StephensonMansell Group since 2000, Bruce has worked extensively with participants in financial services, technology, resources, construction, infrastructure, legal and government sectors. In this role, he has contributed to developing the careers of executives and high potential managers, as well as mentoring CEO’s in ASX100 companies, Australian subsidiaries of international corporations and owner/executives of private companies. He has also facilitated leadership programs with executive teams in public companies and government departments. 


He has been an Adjunct Lecturer in Technology Strategy at Macquarie Graduate School of Management and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and of The Institution of Engineers Australia.


While Bruce lives interstate he travels regularly to Alice Springs and is profoundly committed to the College, including his interest in McKay House for which he is patron.