(Acting) Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,


It has been an action packed start to Term 4 with sporting events, learning incursions, our 5/6 students receiving the sacrament of Confirmation and preparations for the fair. You'll find out about all of these activities and much more that has taken place in the last two weeks in this edition of the newsletter.


We have also seen the return of staff from leave including Helen Llyod who is recovering from knee surgery. The students and staff were delighted to have Helen back, so much so that the Year 2's welcomed her back in song.


Thank you to Carmel Brownhill, who normally works in Helen's class on a Friday, for taking the class in Helen's absence. She ensured that the class continued to run smoothly (contrary to the lyrics of the song) throughout Helen's time away.


On Monday we also welcome back Marty who returns from his leave. We will all be very glad to have him back (none more so than me!)



Countdown to the Fair (6 Days to go!)

There has been a great deal of buzz and activity around the school as our annual school fair draws closer. The excitement is certainly building. Thank you to all those who are working so hard to bring together this wonderful school event. If you would like to find out how you can contribute in any way, please contact fair@scgleniris.catholic.edu.au .


Please read all of the latest updates on the Fair News page further on in this newsletter.



BYOD (bring your own device) Program Information

Please see the Digital Technology News for a reminder about the upcoming information session. Just a reminder that program will be rolled out for the 2023 year 3 students and will be made optional for students in year 4, 5, 6 in 2023.



Parent Seminar - Tackling Tricky Conversations

Inform and Empower have worked closely with our students and parents over the past couple of years. On November 17, they are providing another opportunity for parents to participate in a webinar about tackling tricky conversations. Please see the information on the Wellbeing News Page and use the link there to register if interested.


Camp Australia - Ninja Warrior Incursion

Camp Australia has been a fantastic support to our school community through their before and after school care services. To celebrate their relationship with the school they are offereing a free afterschool incursion on Thursday November 10. Please find the details on the Parish and Community News page.



I hope you enjoy your weekend and I look forward to returning to the Deputy Principal page in the next newsletter.


Kind Regards,

Matthew Mooney

Acting Principal