Religious Education News 

Carmela Vozzo 

Religious Education Leader 

Dear Parents and Guardians


We are excited to commence this Term with a drive for a special community in Fiji. This community is in need of basic stationery supplies for their children’s education and they would sincerely appreciate your support.

We are hoping to help this community by donating any spare, clean, and in good condition school stationery supplies you may have at home. You can also buy stationery and bring it to school and place it in the boxes in each classroom.

The stationery supplies required include pens, pencils, coloured pencils, rulers, lunchboxes, backpacks, water bottles, rubbers, sharpeners, glue, scissors, and pencil cases.

We urge you to please help us make a difference to these children in the Bua Province, Fiji.

From Faith and Social Justice Leaders,

Daniel, Tammy & Milica









God Bless

Carmel Vozzo

Education in Faith Leader