Grade 3/4 News

Week 4, Term 4


  • Home Reading Diaries must be checked each night and come to school Friday with a parent signature. Students will need to read a minimum of 20 minutes for 4 nights each week.
  • Homework - Week 5: Reading Diary and Studyladder Tasks (as given by teacher)
  • Homework - Week 6: Reading Diary and Big Talk Homework

Grandparents' Day - Friday 28th 

Grandparents' Day is this Friday and we are very excited to welcome you into our classroom anytime between 11am and 2pm. Please come along if you are able and join us for a fun moviemaking activity! 

Be Awesome Day - Week 7

Tuesday, November 15th will be our annual ‘Be Awesome Day’! This year, our awesome kids will be running a ‘Show Day’ as part of our celebrations. 


In order for our day to be very awesome and super fun, we will need lots of help from our wonderful parent community.


We would love donations of some of the following items. (You don’t need to donate to your child’s class necessarily, you’re welcome to donate to any of the classes listed below).


3/4 Green: glass jars of all different sizes


3/4 Feldtmann/Smith: temporary tattoos (school appropriate)


3/4 Daenke: secondhand books of all shapes and sizes (picture books, novels, non-fiction books, etc.) and across age groups - donated books should be in good condition and suitable for school-aged children


3/4 Mitchell: packets of lollies, chocolates and/or assorted novelty gifts (bubbles, bouncy balls, small toys, slinkies, etc.)


3/4 Staley/Alexander: assorted packets of jelly beans

Learning in Weeks 5 & 6

Mathematics: Students are working hard to learn more about 'Fractions' during our Fluid Maths Groups and will begin focusing on 'Money and Decimals' in Week 6. We are continuing to look at 'Location and Transformation' during our Applied Maths sessions and students will have the opportunity to design their own map and practise following directions.

Writing & Reading: In Writing, students will be focusing on using paragraphs, connectives and exciting story endings. In Reading, we will focus on reading at an appropriate speed and using what we already know to understand the texts we read. 


Topic: Students have done a fantastic job of designing sets, props and characters for their stop motion films. Filming will begin this fortnight and continue until they are complete.