School-wide Positive Behaviour Support

‘Clyde Primary School is a place for Respect, Responsibility and Resilience’

Clyde Primary School is a School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) School. SWPBS is a framework that brings together school communities to develop positive, safe and supportive learning cultures. SWPBS assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for all students. 


At Clyde, we have created a Matrix of Expectations (Th can be found on our website, click here) that positively states the behaviour we want to see in our community. It has been created around the expectations of respect, responsibility and resilience. This matrix is on display in all learning spaces and around the school. Students are taught lessons around these behaviours and are acknowledged for showing them by staff. These lessons run once a week at the start of the week. Staff give out SWPBS tokens to students for showing behaviours from our matrix. When students have collected a number of positive behaviour tokens, they can exchange them for rewards in our STAR (student token achievement room). Students are working towards achieving gold, diamond and platinum behaviour status.


If you have any questions about our SWPBS program or would like to learn more. You can contact Mr. Russell at school.