League Tag News

14's and 16's League Tag

On Wednesday 12 October, 26 girls travelled to Inverell to contend in the 14’s and 16’s CRL league tag gala day.


The 14’s took on each game with positivity and grew as individuals and a team throughout the day. They can be congratulated on a great effort throughout the day but unfortunately did not progress. Well done to all on the team. A big thank you to Ms Clarke for coaching this energetic team.


The 16’s played McIntyre, Tenterfield, Armidale secondary college, and Guyra. Their performance was flawless, defensively having no tries scored against them and winning all games. It was a fantastic effort and display of teamwork, with every player playing a part in the team's success. This team will now play in the NW finals in Bingara next week.


Great work and best of luck to this team next Wednesday.


16's League Tag

On Wednesday 19 October, the 16’s league tag team ventured to Bingara for the NW finals CRL gala day. What a wet day it was! The girls toiled away in 4 games against the best teams in NW in dismal conditions. They came away with wins against Oxley and Armidale Secondary College, and two hard-fought draws against McCarthy Catholic and Tenterfield. In a closely contested competition, Glen Innes came out on top of the points ladder by 1 point overall, making them the North West CRL league tag champions. 


Our team has now progressed with McCarthy Catholic to the Northern championship held in Tamworth in two weeks against the top teams from the North Coast region. It was a huge effort. Congratulations to this amazing group of young athletes.


Big thanks also to Mrs Barb Baker for coming along and helping with transport and keeping us all organised.